justin 😍: oh baby boy, i'm so glad you asked that 👀. i'm having an office party tomorrow night, and i was going to ask you if you'd like to join me? it would be nice to have a little beauty like you as my date.

just fantastic.

me: i would love to.....but i don't have a suit?

justin 😍: i'll pick you up beforehand to go get one 💘. my treat. no buts.

i really don't deserve one. or him. i don't deserve this gorgeous ass man.

me: ☹️

justin 😍: now you and niall have fun! no funny business 😡. i'll call you before i go to bed tonight 💕.

me: 😂😂 ok

he didn't reply after that and i felt so guilty. technically i wasn't lying, since i was gonna be hanging out with niall! just...not at home.

and he's gonna call me later? how the hell am i supposed to answer? the music is most likely gonna be on 1,000.

once again, my phone buzzed.

dicksucker 😷: look out your window.

(that's niall btw)

i sighed, grudgingly getting up from my bed to go and look out of my bedroom window. which was on the second floor, if you didn't already know.

once i peeled back my curtains, i saw niall standing there with a fucking ladder.

i unlocked the window and easily slid it up to open it.

"niall! what the fuck are you doing!" i whisper yelled, although i don't know why i was being so quiet. my parents already know that i'm leaving.

"i'm helping you escape spontaneously!"

"they already said i could go dickhead! you could've just rang my doorbell!"

"where's the fun in that?!" he yelled back as he stood proudly by the large ladder.

"how did you- where did you- you know what. i'm not even gonna ask. let's just hurry up and get this over with."

niall squealed happily as he gently placed the ladder against the side of my house. any person with common sense would know that this is extremely dangerous, but obviously i'm not one of those people, so i'm gonna do it anyways.

i grabbed my cellphone and placed it in my pocket before hesitantly climbing out of my window. below me was a grinning niall, who was holding the ladder steady.

"i seriously hate you, neil."

"i love you too, zaynie."


"niall! what the fuck! i'm not going in there!"

"zayn, calm down! it's not even that many people by the looks of it."

the house was booming with music, people were on the lawn dry humping each other, and a boy just jumped off the roof and into a small flower bed. light shown out of every window in the house, a different color for each room. cars were along the entire street, an endless line of hand me down vehicles.

baby boy [zustin mieber] [book 1]Where stories live. Discover now