Spoofs #3

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Same for all of them the first letter of the name

C:I wonder if I are a cheesecake what my clan would think *eats a cheesecake*
B: She is eating TWOLEG FOOD!!!!!!.
L:so are you *points paw at the cookie he has.*
B: no I'm not *hides cookie behind his back and has crumbs on his face*
G:I just want to be in this spoof! :3
C, B, and L: what's a spoof.
G: Nothing
Silverlight: I ate some cat mint *goes crossed eyed*
C: Are you ok, Silverlight
S: I am flying on a unicorn popping a rainbow while a turtle eats a pancake and cheesecakes are dancing!
C: O.o
G:O.o... told you I would be in this spoof :3

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