The Aftermath - Harry

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Harry and the crew had watched it all, Uma trying and failing to break down the barrier. He also watched her turn into her true heritage, a beautiful Cecaelia that could bend the waters to her will. His eyes were glued to the screen at that moment, even Lizard Jr looked lackluster against his captain, no, his queen.

Then everything changed, Beasty Boy jumped in and spoke to Uma.
"Uma, I know you want what's best for the Isle, help me make a difference!"
Uma listened though, much to the annoyance of the surrounding patrons in 'Ursula's fish and chips'.
"How foolish she is," One said "All she wanted is a date with the king."
That really riled Harry up, how dare someone accuse Uma of not wanting what's best for them.
"Don't you idiots see!" Harry shouted at them all, crew included "Uma waited until the time was right to retreat, now Beasty thinks she's gone good!"
Thankfully the crew nodded and spoke words of agreement, thinking that was the plan all along.
Then Harry shouted at the patrons to get out as he started the search.

He split up the crew into 2 groups to go looking, Gil, Jonas and Desiree taking one group and Gonzo and Bonny taking the other. The crew were concerned that Harry was going to search alone, Gil even volunteered to go with him but Harry wasn't having it. He was going to search for his queen by himself so he could wrap up in his thoughts, alone. He ordered them to search the whole Isle and if they found nothing to go back home and report back in the morning, that night the crew really deserved some rest. He grabbed Uma's hat and his hook and started looking.

Harry searched the whole coast, every rock pile, every stretch of black beach and found nothing. Nothing that could lead him to Uma's whereabouts. As he sat on some rocks and clutched her hat he thought about his last interaction with her.

"I might not make it back Harry!" Uma exclaimed "You will have to take responsibility!"
He dropped the hat on Uma's bed and pulled her into a tight embrace, he never wanted to let go and Uma's hands wrapped around his back solidified that thought further. Tears streamed down his cheeks as he felt her pull away and he looked down at her. He cupped his hand on her cheek and kissed her forehead, so so softly and almost whispered as he pleaded.
"Do your best to make it back Uma, please."
"I will." Uma replied as she make eye contact with him showing the tears she had in her eyes.
As she walked out he sat down on her bed, sniffling and trying to clean himself up before he went to face the crew.
'Please make it back,' he thought 'Please Uma, please.'

Harry felt the tears streaming down his cheeks as he lightly sobbed, "Uma where are you?" He whispered
Then he heard it, sobs, loud sobs coming from a nearby cove. No one dared to cry on the Isle, it showed vulnerability, something that would wreck your reputation if the wrong person saw. Harry decided to investigate, maybe it was Uma! No, no it wouldn't be, Uma never dared to cry in public.

As he neared the cove he shouted, his voice shaky and hoarse from crying and continuously shouting his captains name,
As he walked in there the person was, a girl, tear tracks down her cheeks, shoulders heaving with sobs being held in, her leg had a strip of fabric tied around it, covered in blood. It was Uma.

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