knock knock

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A/n: sorry that I've been m.I.a lately writers block just had really gotten to me so I decided that I should update this book since it comes from my memory. I hope you enjoy reading.

When I was little, probably 9 to 11 years old, my brother and I were in my room hanging out and watching Netflix. Everything was fine and dandy for a long time but, a tiny tap could be heared from my ceiling. My brother and I look up, then back down at each other. We both heared it but passed on it. It was probably a rat. Then as we started to watch tv again it became knocking. Once again my brother and I looked up to where we heared the sound. For some reason we still dismissed the noise. But then that knocking turned into pounding and banging. It was semi-late in the day, my dad was at work, my mom sitting in the bed in the next room over. Me and my brother both dart to mom's room and asked her if she was messing with us. She looked extremely confused. She didn't hear any of the noise my brother and I heared moments ago, not even the extremely loud pounding. My brother decided he would go back in my room and decided I should stay with mom to see if she was messing with us. Sooner or later mom hadnt moved to hit the upper walk or anything to make it sound like banging from the ceiling. Even though the only other one home did nothing my brother came running out of my room screaming asking if mom did anything. When I answered with no his face went truly pale.

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