Do you believe?

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Ever since I was little paranormal seemed to be interesting. From all the spooky ghost games like bloody Mary to Blue Baby, it all intrigued me. Just the thought of another life that holds possible evil, or amazing stories. The ones I have seen are just good stories to tell, so grab a friend, turn out the lights, and if you believe in ghosts, this might bring a little more faith that they are real.

Once when I was little I was introduced to Ghost Adventures, by my parents. Ghost Adventures if you don't know, is a TV show where three main guys go to some of the worlds most haunted places and spend the night and get evidence of haunting through things like an evp. Me and my brother were amazed that such things existed, so we set up our laptops in the living room. We had downloaded sound wave software to our laptops. We sit there asking questions to a monitor, but then, as silence arose in my house, a massive sound wave was caught on our laptop, and we knew we had something. Especially since only one laptop caught it, and the other seeing as others sound waves were synced. We stop our recording and listen to it. After several questions I asked ' Is anyone even here right now that is alright with speaking to me' after that a very audible snarl of ' I'm here, leave' was heard. Me and my brother most terrified had decided to open up one of our bibles to the Lord's Prayer, and put one of my cross necklaces as a bookmark for the page. We turned off the fan next to it, and warned mom and dad to not touch the book, because it was an experiment, in which they agreed. After that, we checked the book one last time, it was still open to the same page. We then went to bed. I slept in the living room because I was a light sleeper and would wake easily to any noise. We would then know if someone else had turned the page purposefully. When I awoke in the morning, the book was closed and across the room from where the book was last night. But I never woke up at any other point in the night. Meaning no footsteps or anything, so it wasn't by person or an animal, so I believe it was a ghost. One of my first experiences of the paranormal. I told my brother, who agreed. We asked my parents to make sure they didn't touch it and they swear they didn't.

Do you believe yet? Wait for the net chapter if you don't. It will be sure to get you.

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