Chapter 1: geez Rick...

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The house was completely dark. Everyone in the Smith's household had gone to sleep, which was usually the best time that Rick Sanchez would work tedious, tireless hours to mess with some type of machinery, gadget, or invention. But tonight wasn't that night. Instead, the things that were covering the top of his workbench, were empty bottles of strong Hennessy, whisky, and various different types of alcohol from dimensions he had traveled to many of times before. After the multiple hours of downing the strong alcoholic drinks, Rick was finally drunk. The best feeling to him in the world. He was free, not having a care in the world. His body basically thriving over the types of strong alcohol swirling about in his system. (Though it won't agree with him later) But tonight was different. After that trip with his 'grandson' and son-in-law to that planet that was so called 'a simulation' Rick hasn't been the same since, drunk or not. He was still processing on if his grandson was a Simulation or not. The male was grinding his teeth just thinking about it. Giving a low growl in his throat, he stood up from his place at his workbench, almost falling flat on his face as he swore quite loudly. Stumbling his way up to the darkened kitchen, he switched on the light, quickly spotting the assorted knives that were placed in the holder. With a wide, vicious smile, he took the biggest one from its place, quickly making his way up to the teens bedroom. He had to figure this out. He wasn't going to let this slide. Stumbling up the darkened hallway, he bumped into the walls along the way before slowly turning the knob to his grandsons room. The drunken scientist was trying his very hardest to not fall flat on his face. The fact that it was pitch black in the house didn't really help at all. But once he flipped on that switch, he placed the knife behind his back, swaying precariously in the doorway. Ricks vision was blurred. He couldn't see a damn thing in the boys room except for the sleeping form on the bed. The poor exhausted kid was sprawled out on the bed, the covers slightly up to his chest as gentle snores could be heard from his gaping mouth. He didn't even flinch from his unconscious state when that bright light came on. Squinting his eyes to adjust to the blinding light, Rick made his way over to the foot of his grandsons bed, sitting down close to where Morty's legs were sprawled in different directions. "Morty! Hey Mooorty...!" The old man slurred quietly, trying to wake the kid up as he nudged him slightly. The snoring trailed off, as a small grunt could be heard from the teen. "Wha...?" Slowly opening his eyes, it took Morty quite sometime to adjust to the bright light that shined his messy room. "Mmh, Rick wh-what's going on, man?" He asked, sitting up to a more comfortable position as he rubbed his tired eyes. "You're a-... you're a good kid, Morty you - you know that?" A big stupid grin plastered the old mans face, his speech completely slurred as he praised the tired teen. "Uh-huh..." Morty groaned, rubbing his forehead. "Y'know I'm... i'm reaaal proud to - to be your -URRP!- to be your grandpa Morty, you're... such a - a good kid..." Rick leaned in closer towards Morty, his breath reeking completely of alcohol, his eyes bloodshot from intoxication, and well as the lack of several days without sleep. "Mhm, that's... aw geez, Rick, a-are-... have you been drinking?" The boy furrowed his eyebrows, finally getting the whiffs of the foul stench of strong alcohol on the intoxicated old mans breath. "Shh, Morty, Morty that's - that's crazy talk, Morty..."
"Ugh, alright Rick, look-..."
all of a sudden, the kids sentence was abruptly halted by a threatening pull of a knife, quickly placing it hazardously close towards Morty's neck. His eyes widened, staring at his grandfathers bloodshot ones with fear plastered on his face. "Whoa, Rick! Wh-what the hell are you doing?!"
All could be heard from Rick was a low growl, his heavy breathing coming out in a rhythm.
"Alright you - you son of a bitch! Y-you're gonna tell me something, and you're gonna - you're gonna tell me right now, motherfucker! Are you a - a Simulation?!" Morty's heart skipped a beat, as he quickly shook his head. "No, Rick! No! I-I'm not a Simulation! I-I'm telling the truth man!"
"Don't you /lie/ to me!" The violent man pushed the knife closer towards the boys neck, a string of drool escaping from the crazy elders mouth. "You're a Simulation, /aren't/ you?! Y-you son of a bitch! I-I'm gonna get to the - the bottom of this, and when I do, I'm-... I'm..." suddenly, Ricks threatening sentence trailed off. He started swaying, his eyes slowly closing as the knife slipped from his hand, and hitting the floor with a quiet 'tink'. Without warning, the drunken scientist fell on top of the boy. With a pained groan, Morty tried to squirm out from beneath Rick's slim, tall figure, finally managing to momentarily, as he fell down onto the floor. With a few heaving breaths of both exhaustion, and relief, he got up onto his feet, looking down at the heap on his bed that was now his passed out grandfather. The scientist was snoring quite heavily, a trickle of drool escaping from the corner of his mouth, as the hand that gripped the knife lay limp, dangling off of the bed as his knuckles brushed against the floor. As the boy picked up the knife that lay on the ground, he set it on the nightstand, too exhausted to put it back in its belonging place in the kitchen. Now where was he going to sleep? Should he sleep on the floor? Sleep downstairs on the couch? Better yet, he may as well not sleep at all after what had just happened. He has /never/ seen Rick like that when he's drunk. It scared him. He didn't know what was bound to happen the next time this happens. What about when he wakes up in several hours? Surely Rick won't remember this at all and just go by his day, dragging Morty on adventures and making inventions. A normal day. A normal Rick and Morty day...

End of chapter 1:
Thank you guys sooo much for reading! This is my first Rick and Morty story that I hope you guys enjoy. Sorry if it's a little messy and not very descriptive. I will try to improve on that as this story progresses in length! <3

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 17, 2017 ⏰

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