"Oh by the way kookie, I can't come over today. I'm going over to hoseok and taehyungs house." He said as he looked at me.

"Actually that's ok, because jimins coming over today to do the project. So that's actually good."

"Oh really now? Just the project? Is there anything else you're gonna be doing jungkook?" He said smirking.

I literally rolled my eyes.

"I swear to god hyung. You're just too much for me to handle." I sighed and rubbed my forehead.

"Yeah yeah." He said and leaned back again closing his eyes.

Of course probably to sleep.

I think people overheard our conversation because as soon as I turned my head, there was girls staring at me.

They quickly looked away And stared blushing, but some of them looked jealous.

I rolled my eyes. Like my eyes are only on jimin not on any of you girls, but it's really funny watching them try so hard to get me to go out with them.

Sorry people but my eyes are only on jimin aka future boyfriend and husband.

I shook my head and looked at my book and continued to read.

-20 minutes later-

The bell had rung and everyone put their stuff away.

The girls slammed their books into their book bag and they all looked at each as if talking to each other but without words.

They all smirked and walked out the door.

I wonder what their up to. Immature, I swear.

As I walked out I spotted yoongi waiting for me by my locker.

I smiled and walked towards him and he threw his arms around my shoulder and we started walking to lunch.

As we got in there the line was full but I saw that they had pizza and usually I never get a slice so I'm waiting. I don't care how long it's takes.

I turned around to talk to yoongi but he wasn't there so I looked around and I saw him at hoseok and taehyungs table blushing.

Wow I was shocked. he never blushed before.

I just sighed and shook my head smirking slightly.

Jimins POV

I was sitting with seokjin and namjoon but they kept on flirting and I really had to use the bathroom so I had got up and told them I'll be right back.

I had walked into the bathroom using it.

I was washing my hands when I all of a sudden heard the door being open and shut.

I turned around and there were 5 girls who had came into the bathroom and were staring at me coldly and I was a bit scared.

"Y-you do know it's the b-boys room right?" I asked.

"No one asked you to talk! Keep your fucking mouth shut, slut!!" One girl yelled In my face.

CUTIE - JIKOOK (under editing) Where stories live. Discover now