
After my first class was over, I made my way back to my place hoping my roommate wouldn't be home. I need some sleep, and I need it soon. But sadly, the closer I got to my apartment the louder the noise became.

"Maddie!" I called out to her through the music.

"What?!" She yelled back before emerging from her room.

"Can you turn it down? I need to get some rest."

"What for? The music isn't holding you back. Just use a pillow." She stared at me.

"Please just turn it down. It's too loud and the neighbors are complaining about it."

"Fuck them I don't care and if you don't like my music you're welcome to leave." She said before turning back on her heels and going back to her room.

I didn't understand how this girl could still have music going on if the cops were probably called last night. Shaking my head, I walked into my room. I grabbed a clean work outfit, my hygiene products, and a few other things I needed.

Knowing I wouldn't be able to get some sleep, I made my way back out of the apartment. I sat down on the steps of the building contemplating on what to do next.

There had to be somewhere I could go and take a quick nap without looking like a bum. I grabbed my phone and began to look through my contacts.

Landing on my uncles information, I decided to call him. He couldn't say no to family right? Regardless of my Dad's sister leaving him, he was still family to me.

"Jordyn? Is everything all right?" Concern filled his voice.

"No... I'm really tired and I have nowhere else to go." I tried fighting back the tears.

"Go to my place. There's a spare key in the lock box. I'll text you the codes."

"I can go to the library. I don't even know why I called you." I said to him.

"Nonesense, go to my place and rest. I'll be home later this evening." He spoke with authority.

"Okay. Thank you Uncle Dwayne." I said to him.

"Call me Dwayne. You're still at your apartment?" He asked me.


"Stay there, I'll send an Uber to pick you up." He said to me.

"You don't have to, I can walk from here." I said to him.

"Just stay there." He demanded.

"Okay, thank you."

"You're welcome. Take care and I'll see you soon." He said to me. I thanked him again and ended the call.

Almost 20 minutes later I was back at his place. I followed the instructions he sent me before going inside the house. I walked into the guest room and as soon as my head hit the pillow I knocked out.

"Jo..." I heard a voice calling out to me. It didn't stop until I opened my eyes.

"Unc- Dwayne, what's going on?" I asked him as I sat up on the bed.

"It's 7." He said to me.

"Shit! I'm super late to work." I jumped out of bed to get ready.

"Jordyn calm down. Your boss knows you're not going in tonight. You need some rest." He said to me.

"I can't miss work. I need the money." I said to him. He grabbed my arm and stopped me in my tracks.

"Jordyn, you're tired and haven't slept well you need to rest up. It's too late for you to go to work anyway so just calm down and relax."

"You don't understand, I need the money. I have bills to pay, that's almost 120 down the drain if I miss today."

"Your health is more important. You can't be overworking yourself." He looked at me with his big brown eyes. He was determined to not let me go to work, and there'd be no case in me fighting. So I sat back down on the bed and agreed to stay in.

"Good. Now you can join me for dinner. I ordered some pizza for us." He said to me.

"Thank you." I said to him and followed him to the kitchen.

I sat down and grabbed a slice of pizza. I hadn't eaten since breakfast making this pizza to taste like heaven.

"Soda, beer, wine?" Dwane asked me.

"I'll take a glass of wine please." He nodded and grabbed a glass for me.

I can get used to this. Wait. What? Stop.

"Here you go." He filled the glass and handed it over to me. I thanked him once again and continued to eat.

"Jordyn, I was thinking about your living situation and I think it'd be best if you stayed here for as long as you want. No rent, no strings attached. All you have to do is go to school."

"I don't want to intrude." I said to him.

"Nonsense. You're family and I want to help you out."

"I don't know..." I put the pizza down and took a sip of the wine.

"Promise me you'll think about it."

"Yeah I'll think about it." He smiled at me and continued to eat.

As we ate, we made small talk. I kept thinking about how much easier it'd be if I just stayed here and worked for him. I wouldn't have to deal with my horrible roommate nor the crappy work hours.

"What's on your mind?" He asked me as we finished eating.

"Nothing. Just thankful for finally being able to get some decent sleep." I said to him.

"I know we aren't blood related but I still care about you. I want you to be okay." He smiled at me.

"Thank you." Smiling back, I got up and began to clean up the kitchen island.

"I'm going to go shower, if there's anything you need just let me know." He said to me as he got up. I nodded and began to wash the dishes.

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