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*Past time*

I was lying on a cold metal table,   thinking of every detail of my life. I wasn't proud of myself, I'll tell you that. But I don't care anymore. I pulled myself into a sitting position and placed my arms on my knees. I was sick of wearing this orange jump suit; I couldn't even look at it anymore.

My sharp eyes scanned around the room I was being held in. Cameras were positioned on all four corners of the room, top and bottom. I had no doubt they were watching me right now.

My eyes snapped to the metal door as it opened with a loud bang. A slim man appeared, holding what I'm guessing are my files.

"Jessica Star?" He says in a shaky voice. I raise my eyebrow.

"Um, my boss demanded me to come and ask y-you s-some questions." He stutters. Wimp I stand up, rising up my chin and stepping closer to him, making his body tense up with every move I make.

"How about I start with my questions first?" I narrow my eyes.

"Um, uh, ok...” He whispers.

"Do you have any last word before you wave goodbye to the camera?" I step closer.

"I-" I wrapped my hands around his neck and jerked to the side, snapping it instantly. I let him fall to the ground. In a mattress of seconds, the guards were already here. I kick one of them in the gut and push his weight on the other guy. I hold the upper door frame and pushed the other guards backwards.

I smile, pushing my hair to the back and walking out of the door. Loud noises were alerting everybody in the building and the lights outside are now on. I tried my best not to be caught and to stay in the dark where they can't see me.

I ran. And ran, finally feeling the fresh air caressing my face. I stopped after a couple of minutes to catch my breath, that's when I realize that I wasn't alone.

"Stop being a pussy and come out." I coldly say.

"Nice work." A tall figure has made it appearance.

"I didn't ask for your opinion." I roll my eyes. His face was now visible for me to see. He's a blonde with a pair of sparkling blue eyes. He gestures me his hand to shake.

"I'm Jake." He smirks. I stare at him blankly, not bothering to shake his hand. His smirk got even bigger.

"Come with me." He says.

"Yeah,  right." I scoff.

"I want you to meet my boss; he's been waiting for you." He replies.

"For whom do you work for pretty boy?" I cross my arms.

"The ISA" He casually says.

 "And that is?" I raise my eyebrow.

 "The International Secret Agency." He says as I laugh hysterically at his response.

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