It's Over

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My eyes have lost their spark. I'm now a robot on the move. I'm scared to pieces by the blare of his horn. This isn't the life I signed up for. I wanted to be celibate for life but when I met him, it was like nothing else mattered. Fast forward to 2months later and I've become a shadow of my true self. The woman I now see in the mirror scares me. Her collar bones stand distinct, she's shrivelled, looks lost, broken and empty. She's practically a walking corpse.
I stare into empty space, remembering every hit, every punch, every slap, every embarrassment, every torture, everything that destroyed me. I used to be claustrophobic but now, I'm content with the solitude of my wardrobe. Oh my poor caged soul. My heart is pained, I can feel it thudding on my chest, threatening to burst out, to put an end to my misery. I can feel bile choking up my throat. I wanna scream, but I was still rational to know it wasn't the smartest thing to do. My eyes hurt from several tears.
Life was the same each day, a monotony. He has become a monster, an evil beast. He'll surely kill me soon enough. He has voiced that on several occasions with madness in his eyes, but I'm gonna put him six feet below before he ends me.
Caressing the JFK-22 pistol, I knew there was no going back. I tiptoed out, making conscious effort not to alert the devil I once called husband. Boy! He did snore so bad and that was expected as he returned to our once-upon-a-time home dead drunk. It took me 5 taps and a shove to wake him up. I was going to be kind enough to let him know his assassin rather than letting him ponder it over when he gets to hell. Not like Lucifer would give him the chance to though. I at his aimed at his head with a smirk on my face. "Please Debbie", he went. I saw a mix of shock & fear in his eyes and peace flooded my soul. "Say hello to the devil for me, Greg" was my response. I clicked and BOOM!!! was the sound.
Heaving a sigh of relief, I sank into the bloody sheets knowing I was officially a murderer.
Damn! I was just 22!!

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