eleven | define "okay"

422 30 15

marina's pov

It was Brittney.

Brittney was new this year; she was in my music class and sometimes we spoke, but I never had considered her a friend.

"Marina, hey. You okay?"

I shrugged "Define okay"

She frowned "I'm sorry Marina, I saw what happened this morning"

I tucked some hair behind my ear "Yeah, it's okay thanks, that's normal"

Her eyes widened "Really? Wow..."

We stood there awkwardly for a second before she asked me who Electra was.

"Electra Heart was a alias I created online. I used someone else's pictures and I made myself out to be this perfect primadonna because I hated myself. The girl whose pictures I took confronted me and then the game was over. But everyone in school found out somehow" I sighed.

She nodded "I can fully relate. I have an alias online too; I go by Mars Argo. I write songs and stuff"

"Oh really?"

We walked together to Music class, talking about our aliases.

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