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Jacks POV
As jonah leaves me to my thoughts. I love Casey so so much. I can't lose her. Even though Jonah said she believes me I can't help but feel like she will leave me.

I get off the bus and start to go for a walk. It's late, dark, and chilly. About half an hour later I get a text.
Loml❤️- baby where are you?
Noodles🍜- um I'm not really sure I went for a walk.
Loml❤️- baby I need to talk to you please come back to me. Please. I love you.
Noodles🍜- I'm scared.....
Loml❤️- what are you scared of?
Noodles🍜- that you'll leave me 💔
Loml❤️- I will never leave you. Always and forever baby. I'm yours.
Noodles🍜- make it official?
Loml❤️- how so?
Noodles🍜- go on the bus and check my checkered vans backpack. The front pocket.
Loml❤️- Jack Robert Avery what is this?
Noodles🍜- turn around

As casey turns around I'm back on the bus kneeling at her feet.

"That is your actual engagement ring. I have known that I was going to marry you from the moment I first laid eyes on you. I love you more then anything in this world and the next. Your my heart and my soul. My life my everything. I will do anything for you even marry you tomorrow if that's what would make you happy. Casey Mae Taylor will you do me the honor of becoming my wife? On the day that you are ready"

Casey isn't saying anything she is standing there staring at me shocked tears building in her eyes.

"Casey give the poor man an answer!" Jonah yells
"Come on dude!" Daniel yells
"For real" zach says
"Casey hello?" Corbyn says.

She still isn't speaking oh my god she's gonna say no.
Then she falls to my feet.
"Jack Robert Avery. I love you so much. Of course I'll marry you! But there is something we need to discuss first. And alone."

Casey's POV

Jack and I walk into the moonlight.

"Baby what's wrong?" Jack says
"I just wanna make sure we are good."
"Are we?" Jack says
"Always baby! I love you!"
"I love you to!"

"Oh crap guys!" I hear jonah yelling
"What jo?"
"We gotta go meet David!"
"Oh shit!"

Choosing love. Jack Avery(completed)Where stories live. Discover now