Chapter 1

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"Greninja is unable to battle, since Ash had no pokemon left. Alain is the winner of the Kalos league!" Many roars were heard in the audience rooting for Alain.

"He lost again!?" An angry Clemont said.
"I can't believe he is this bad!" "Let's just go say goodbye to him big brother. With that they went to Ash. "Hey Ash we have to hurry up and go to the airport or you'll miss your flight!" Serena told Ash.

"Alright I'm coming." Ash said with a fake smile. They made their way to the airport and said their goodbyes then Ash went to his plane with excitement so he can go visit his mom. Saying Pikachu was excited is an understatement, he absolutely loves going back home because Delia spoils him. "It's time to go back buddy!"

"Pika pi Pikachu!" Pikachu said with pure joy. They got on the plane that leads them to Virirdian City waited for their plane to part.

The plane parted in Viridian City and Ash and Pikachu got off together. "Pallet Town here I come!" Ash ran all the way from Viridian City to Pallet Town before stopping to get a quick break. "Look Pikachu. It's Pallet Town." Ash said pointing at the peaceful town,"Brings back many memories, right buddy! I have an idea! I'll race ya!" Ash and Pikachu ran as fast as they could to their house but Pikachu used quick attack to get in the lead, "Hey that's cheating!"

They made it to their house and saw all of his rivals and old companions there. "Hey Ash, congrats on making it to the finals! That's the best you've gotten!" Brock said with a smile to Ash. "Thanks Brock but why are you all here?"
Everyone went silent and looked at Brock to speak. "Ugh why me. Well....Ash we are want you to quit your dream." Ash couldn't believe what he was hearing, after everything he has done to them....they just backstab him! "Are you serious, without me Brock, you would have never been able to become a breeder, May and Dawn would have never known what to do in contests, Iris and Cilan would be a mess in Unova and Serena Clemont and Bonnie, Serena you were absolutely trash in your first performance and Clemont and Bonnie, if it wasn't for me you wouldn't have been able to even go into your own gym!" Everyone was speechless that Ash would say something but what did they expect, they just betrayed him.

"Just face it Ash, people from the boonies aren't good!" Trip scolded him. Ash didn't know what to say so he ran out to professor Oaks lab. Before he left he took one last look at them, he sensed a aura full of guilt and mixed emotions coming from a certain blue haired girl, he shrugged it off and continued running.

"Hey son what are you doing in such a hurry?" Oak asked him. Delia was also there having tea with the professor. Ash told them the story and they were furious. Tracey got ahold of all of Ash's pokemon and gave them to Ash. "Professor how am I gonna hold all these pokemon?" "I'll upgrade your pokedex to have infinite storage, now go out there and prove them wrong!" With that Ash went to train very hard.

Ash was flying on his Pidgeot and found a very big island with know one but wild pokemon living on it so he stopped there and built his home. He took out his pokemon and started building. "Ok you guys we're gonna need some wood to make ourselves a home start working." Ash said to all his pokemon. It took no time at all to make the house with the amount of pokemon Ash has. The house the built was a 2 story mansion like model. All that was left was furniture. He got some couches and shit from Arceus knows where, and then the house was done. He stored his poke balls in the training room and went to sleep.

Back to the Traitors

"What a loser!" Max said while laughing nonstop. At that moment they heard a knock on the door. They opened it and saw a very furious Delia, Tracey, Gary, and Professor Oak. "Why would you do that to my baby boy!" Delia said with pure anger, terrifying the people inside the house. Everyone was startled to speak except Serena, "Mrs. Ketchum! You should be glad we drove him away, he was nothing but a disgrace to pokemon!" Everyone else agreed and Delia was about to kick their asses but Gary stepped in.

"You ungrateful little fucks! Do you have any idea what he has done to help you! He put his dream on hold to help you out with yours." After Gary's rant they just called Gary pathetic and then left. "The nerve of those guys!" 

Back with Ash

It was morning and Ash was getting ready when all of a sudden, the god pokemon Arceus appeared right before his eyes. "My chosen one, you have suffered greatly and we are here to help you!" "Chosen one? What do you mean Arceus?" "I chose you to be the greatest of them all my dear." Ash let the words sink in then his eyes widened. He was destined to become the greatest of them all! "Wait, so I am gonna be the best of them all?" "Yes my chosen one, because of this I am gonna allow you to capture me and my legends." Ash's eyes widened even more to the point where his eyeballs could fall out. Arceus gave him many master balls with all the legends from Kanto to Alola. Then he presented him another master ball and said 2 words. "Catch me." Ash stood there stunned but obeyed and captured her. It didn't even shake it just pinged instantly. "YEAH, I CAUGHT ALL THE LEGENDARIES!" Ash was so excited for what was to come no he was more than excited!

After Ash recovered from the shock, he went to get his pokemon food ready so he can feed ALL his pokemon. It took an hour but everyone ate and he trained them all.

After a few weeks of intense training he decided to go on a journey through all the regions and become the best of them all. His first region would be Kanto.

Pallet Town

Ash made it to Pallet town and he spoke to his REAL friends and family then he left for route 1 to start his new journey but on the way he met a familiar childhood friend. She was a brunette with a white fedora like hat. Her name was Leaf.

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