Chapter 1

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(Pictured above: These are all of the ideas we had for the fluff-balls we only have three in the story but others may be used as disguises later on

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(Pictured above: These are all of the ideas we had for the fluff-balls we only have three in the story but others may be used as disguises later on.)

   A/N Before I begin I would like to thank some of my friends for being supportive during this whole book and I'm going to use their Instagram username instead of their real name because I'm a paranoid person. First I want to thank mynameisalsopie for supporting me through this whole thing, giving me ideas, and being an awesome person in general. Second I want to thank 0mn0mniv0re for being my editor, this may be the only time I like that you're  a grammer nazi, and she also drew all of the art unless said otherwise. She is an awesome person too and go follow her on Instagram she posts a whole lot of memes. That's it I only have two friends and they are great and now onto the story.

   My name is Rose, I am 16 years old, and I live in Ayden, North Carolina. To most people I may seem like a normal person, but I am not. I am a mutant. My mutation is that I can control technology, I can operate any device without touching it or I can transform it into something else but it has to have all the same components, I can't turn a calculator into a camera. I have been going to Xavier's School for the Gifted for three years, my parents don't know I'm a mutant they think I'm going to some stuffy boarding school. Last year while I was mixing chemicals in the lab after school for homework some of the lab rats got out. While I was chasing them they knocked over the chemicals and got covered in them. I finally caught them and cleaned them off and put them back in the cage. I thought nothing of it because they weren't dangerous chemicals but when I came in the next day they had mutated into what I call Fluff-balls. There were 3 Martha, Sir Fluffy Fluffleton or Fluffy for short, and Bartholomew. I kept Martha, gave Fluffy to my friend Karen, and Bartholomew to my other friend Louise. Karen's mutation is she can turn into a wolf at will. Louise is a siren like from Greek mythology. She can change her physical appearance any way she wants similar to Mystic but Louise's finger prints don't change and her eyes are always grey. She can also sing and make men do whatever she wants.

   It's the first week of summer vacation and both my parents are at work. I'm sitting on my couch reading with Martha sleeping on my lap when someone knocks on the door. I assume it's just the mail and I ignore it. I hear a knock again so I think it's someone trying to tell me about their church or something but I hear a knock again. By now I'm just hoping they will go away but they don't they start ringing the door bell. I move Martha off my lap and get up to go look through the window and you'll never guess who I saw. Steve Rogers as in Captain America Steve Rogers. I opened the door and immediately he says "I need your help."


"Your name is Rose and you're a mutant right."

I thought for a second on whether or not I should tell him I'm a mutant but he's on the run from the government so it's not like he's gonna tell anyone.

"Yeah that's me."

"Good. I need your help and you can't come back home afterwards."

"Ok but why do you need my help."

"I have to break my team out of the raft and I can't do it by myself also on the run a teenager would be really inconspicuous going out and buying stuff."

"Ok I'm coming, but give me like five minutes to pack my stuff and leave a note for my parents saying I'm spending the summer at my friends house."

I closed the door and ran to my room I grabbed my suitcase that I use for school and started packing. Jean Gray used her powers to do some weird thing to it so that it can as much in it as you want while being small enough to use it as a backpack, everyone at school has one. I packed all my clothes, which wasn't much cuz I practically wear the same thing every day, all my technology which was a lot, and everything I need to take care of Martha. I grabbed a piece of paper and a pen and wrote 'I'm going to Louise's house for the summer. Be back a few days before school. Love you -Rose'

I woke up Martha who was still asleep and went outside. I assumed that the huge quinjet, that somehow no one noticed, was where I was supposed to go. With Martha following me I walked into the plane.

"Alright let's go."

Steve turned around

"What's that?" He said pointing at Martha.

"She is a chemistry experiment gone wrong." I answered putting emphasis on she. "Don't worry though she won't get in the way. She'll actually be quite helpful in keeping everyone alive."

Steve didn't say anything he just closed the door and took off.

I texted Louise and told her that if my parents call her to ask if I was at her house to say yes. I walked into the cockpit and sat down in the copilot chair.

"Ok Cap what's the plan?"

"When we start nearing the raft I'll need you to take out their security cameras on the outside then once we land I'll go in and knock everyone out then you'll follow, hack their systems, shut off all the security cameras, locate Wanda, Scott, Sam, and Clint. Once you do that tell me where they are, unlock their cells and I'll go get them. Got it?"

I nodded my head yes but I really only heard about half of it. I got the just of it though, were on a basic extraction mission I've trained for these for three years so I know what I'm doing. We sit in silence for the next few hours before he finally says "Take out the cameras."

This was it, my first mission and I was ready.

   A/N I  would like to make it known that I don't know how often I'll be updating but I would like to make it once a week or once every two weeks. If I don't hit that mark then it's probably school just stressing me out and not giving me time. 

My friend who draws the art has asked that you do not copy or trace her artwork as she works very hard on it. Remember it is illegal to take someone's work and call it your own without the creators permission. The fluff-balls are also her oc's and she has full rights to them.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 21, 2017 ⏰

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