When You Get Jealous

Start from the beginning

((I was quite stumped on this one and couldn't think if anything so I did this))

Duke Devlin:

When Duke and you started dating, he stopped flirting with random girls with you, he went from a player to a gentleman when he became yours. But even if that was the case, you still got jealous from time to time. He may of changed, but the fangirls never stopped trying to hit on him.

You saw Duke talking for a little too long to one of his fangirls, and that got you really jealous! You decided to pull him away, and he knew why you weren't happy.

"Y/n, I know why you're jealous, please don't be!"

"Duke, you know they all like you! Why are you giving them the attention they want?!"

"I was just trying to have a normal conversation with her! You know I'd never leave you for a stupid bimbo."

"Yeah right! How many stupid bimbos have you dated?"

"I've lost count, but that's not the point!"

"I'm probably just another one of your "stupid bimbos"."

He glared at you. "How dare you say that! Y/n, you're the most beautiful girl I've ever laid eyes on, it was you who changed me from a player and a womaniser to a faithful and loyal man!" He kissed you, which you instantly melted into the kiss. "Don't ever say that about yourself again, y/n!"

Bakura Ryou:

Whenever Bakura spent too much time with Marik, that made you jealous, and of course, you never brought up your jealousy as you didn't want to hurt him, but you finally broke and couldn't hold it back much longer, you just had to tell him. You came over to his.

"Hey babe, why do you hang with Marik so much?"

He looked at you. "He's been asking me to help him get better at dueling, why do you ask?"

You blushed. "N-no reason."

He raised an eyebrow. "Are you jealous?"

You signed. "Okay I am, you've just been spending a lot more time with him..."

He kissed you softly and held your hands. "Y/n, you just need to tell me whenever you want to hang out and I'll be sure to make time for you whenever you request to see me, my darling." He said with his soft comforting voice and grinning.

((Oh god help me that is just too adorable!))

Yami Bakura:

Yami Bakura had been spending a lot more time out with Yami Marik, and of course, you were jealous about that, because to you, it seemed like he started to forget about you. You confronted him about it of course.

"Bakura, why do you never spend time with me?"

"Y/n I've been doing important things with Marik."

"Oh so you're putting dueling over your own relationship..."

"Are you really jealous now?"

You blushed. "No!"

"Oh really now?" He smirked. "I'll just be on my way now~"

You ran over and stopped him. "Okay I am, happy?!"

He pinned you on the nearest wall and kissed your neck. "You're so sexy when you're jealous babe~"

You blushed. "Bakura we're in the middle of an argument please try to hold your sexual urges back!"

He kissed down your neck. "I think Marik and our argument can wait~"


Marik Ishtar:

Lately Marik has been spending a little too much time with Bakura, and oh boy, did that get you jealous. You seriously wondered why he wanted to see Bakura THAT much. Which before he went to go see Bakura, you confronted him.

"Marik! Can we spend a little time together?"

Marik looked at you. "Babe I'm going to see Bakura, he promised to duel with me to make me better."

"But you haven't spent time with me for a while!"

"Are you jealous y/n?"

You blushed. "N-"

He cut you off by hugging you. "Y/n, no need to be jealous. I promise I'll hang with you when I come back, okay?"

Yami Marik:

Just like how Yami Marik would get jealous over something small, you did too. You got jealous every time he was paying more attention to someone else other than you.


"Are you seriously jealous again y/n?"

"But I don't want you to go! Spend time with me!!"

"I already spent time with you before! you always get so jealous when I'm seeing someone else, I'm going to see Bakura, I promise I'll spend time with you!"


"God dammit...."

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