When You First Meet

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Joey Wheeler:

You rushed to school, after staying up all night playing video games you didn't realise you were going to stay up late, but you did. While mumbling to yourself about how you were an idiot for staying up all night, you finally made it to your first class, math, and turns out you were only 5 minutes late. You picked your seat, which you happed to sit next to a blonde boy who was polishing his duel disc. You started to take down notes from the while board, and from the corner of your eye you noticed that the guy was having a bit of trouble with his work.

"Hey, sorry to bother you but are you having a bit of trouble with you're work?"

The boy turned his head towards you. "Now that you mention it yeah, I'm horrible at math, I could use a little help if you're offerin'."

You slightly blushed, you thought his Brooklyn accent was really cute! "Y-yeah sure I can help you. If it's okay to ask what's your name?"

He gave off a slight grin. "The name's Joey Wheeler, how about you?"

"My name is y/n, nice to meet you!" You replied to Joey. You then started helping Joey with his work, you two seemed to be getting along alright.

Tristan Taylor:

While you were working as a waitress at Burgerpalooza, you saw your friend Téa sitting with a few of her friends, you figured that they were the friends that she was talking about. You came over to them, you've been wanting to meet them for a while!

Téa got up from her seat and hugged you. "Y/n! It's so nice to see you!"

"It's nice to see you too! Are you guys the friends she's been talking about?" You asked them while grinning.

"We've heard so much about you y/n! My name's Yugi, and this is Joey, Bakura and Tristan!" The short boy with star shaped hair said grinning.

You smiled. "So are you guys going to order anything?" You asked, while taking out a small notepad and pen, getting ready to write down the orders.

They all ordered burgers, and after your shift you hung out with them and had a blast! They made you feel so welcome!

Duke Devlin:

As you were walking around trying to find your locker while you were trying (and somehow managed) to walk through a huge crowd of girls, although you stopped and out of curiosity wanted to find out what all the fuss was about. You waited a while until a few girls went away to go to their lockers, then you saw that these girls were around a guy. You rolled your eyes, as you couldn't understand why all of the fuss was about this guy, you walked away and continued to look for your locker. After a minute, you had finally found it. You opened it and started loading all your books into it, then you closed the locker door, only to find that that same guy and that same crowd of girls had followed you.

"Hey baby doll, I just noticed that you looked quite stunning in that huge crowd of girls, and I wanted to come over and take a closer look." He smirked at you, he was a huge flirt, and that got on your nerves.

"No thanks! Go look at other girls, I'm not interested! You've got plenty of other "baby dolls" to bother me!" You walked off, although you kept thinking about that guy, seems like he wouldn't leave your mind for some reason.

Bakura Ryou:

Since you were babysitting your little 3 year old cousin, you decided to take her to the shopping centre to get some ice cream and a few things. You guys took a quick stop into the supermarket (Walmart if you're American) and you started looking through the isles to see if anything caught your eye. Next thing you know, you started looking around for your baby cousin and she was gone. You panicked while running around the store calling her name out.

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