She shot him a look of pure loathing and lowered herself to the lounger.

“Back first, I think.”

She forced herself to lie as stiff and still as she could. It wasn’t difficult with Cortez and Becker looking on like a couple of voyeurs in an Amsterdam sex show. In another time and place her body would have been pliant under the warm caress of his hands.

He patted her bottom.

“Turn over, darling.”

Once again she lay unresponsive as his hand moved over her body, skimming close to her most intimate parts. There was a strange expression in his eyes that was at odds with the self-satisfied smile on his face – an apology – she suddenly realised his eyes were silently communicating what he couldn’t say.

His hands caressed the top of her breast as he gently smoothed the lotion into her skin and when he finished he cupped her breast before speaking.

“You’ll do, sweetheart. “ He reached for her hand. “Let’s go for a swim.”

“It’ll just wash the sunscreen off!”

“Don’t worry about that. It’ll be a pleasure to apply some more later.”

She stood and walked slowly to the edge of the pool and stared down into the crystal clear depths.

“How deep is it here?” she said, pointing to the end where she was standing.

“Three metres. Why do you ask, senorita? Do you wish to know if it’s safe to dive in?”

“No, I was wondering if it were deep enough to drown Mr Kendal in.”

With Sebastian Cortez’ laughter ringing in her ears, she turned and dived elegantly into the water.

Porter had to smile. God, she was sassy. He was full of nothing but admiration for the woman. She was not allowing her spirit to be crushed and she was playing her part to perfection. Most people would have fallen apart by now but she hadn’t.

He watched her surface and wipe the water off her face. Her eyes were sparkling and he waited for the challenge he realised must be coming.

“Are you coming in, Mr Kendal? The water’s lovely. Or are you scared I really might drown you?”

He walked to the edge of the pool and smiled seductively.

“I’d like to see you try.”

His dive into the water was every bit as good as hers and she watched, treading water as he circled around her like a predatory shark. She braced herself for the attack she knew was coming and managed not to swallow a gallon of water when his hand grabbed her ankle a second later. They “fought” for several minutes with her ducking him as much as he did her. Eventually he trapped her in the corner of the pool. He pinned her to the sides and lowered his head to nuzzle at her neck.

“Keep struggling. Good girl, you’re doing really well. I know this must be so hard for you but it’s almost over. Go to bed as normal tonight. Try and sleep if you can. I will come for you at midnight.” His lips trailed d0wn her neck and along her collar bone. “I’m going to get you out of here – I promise.”  He pulled away slightly, so his face was mere inches away from hers.

“Trust me,” he whispered, holding her gaze for a moment before he lowered his mouth to hers. Just as before when he’d joined his lips with hers it took all her will power not to melt into it. She placed her hands against his chest and pinched his nipple hard. He broke the kiss on an oath and she broke free swimming to the other side of the pool.

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