My Knight{Edited}

Start from the beginning

"Why do I feel like I know them?" Chihiro whispers.

"If was up to me, I would drop my human name and spend living the spirit name." A voice came from behind her. She spans round and it was Keikou.

"Who are you?" Chihiro asks.

"Keikou, son of the dragon queen and king," Kiekou says. "I know that you are my sister just by looking at you."


"Transform," Kiekou commands.


Kiekou rolls his eyes. "tch, into your dragon silly."

Chihiro nods and focuses on becoming her dragon form, in no time she was her blue dragon.

"Yep, your Avonmora," Kiekou announces.

"You figured it out, good for you Kiekou ." Avonmora hisses in Kiekou mind. "Or should I says, brother?"

"I don't mind, you call me brother or Kiekou."

Chihiro changes back into human. "So you knew all the long?"

"Yep, I could tell from your blue strain of hair. Mother has one like it, every one of her children has one similar." Keikou explains.

"So what do you have?" Chihiro asks.

Keikou pound to his red strain hair. "I got this from farther. Females of the family have blue strain hair and males have red." He explains.

"Right. So, Amene isn't apart of the royal family then?" Chihiro asks.

"No, she's our cousin."

"Ah okay."

"So, that dragon boy, Haku was it." Chihiro nods. "You like him?"

Chihiro blushes. "Yes." She whispers. "He saved me when I little I fell in his river in the human world. He saved me from drowning. Then when I was ten my human parents and I accidentally stumbled on the spirit world, my human parents ate the spirits food because of that they got turned into pigs.

"I had to work at the bathhouse, I wouldn't be here today if it wasn't for Haku," Chihiro explains.

"I see. So you liked him even when you were a human." Keikou says with a smirk.

"I guess."

Keikou whispers in Chihiro ear. "I think he likes you as well." Cussing Chihiro to blush deep red.

"Guys come back in!" Amene yells.

"Coming!" Keikou yells. "Shall we?"

Chihiro nods a hurries inside with a bright red face.

"Chihiro you okay?" Haku asks, she nods.

"Looks who's up," Sumi says just as Kia was about to sit up.

"Careful dear," Zeniba says rushing over to Kia helping her up. "You are still healing."

"Thank you Zeniba," Kia whispers.

"It's not me you should be thanking," Zeniba says. Kia looks at her questioning. "It's Chihiro."

Kia blinks at her. "What do you mean?"

"All in good time," Zeniba says.

"Let's get to the point shall we?" Amene says. Everyone looks at her. Zeniba and Kia turn round. "Chihiro or do you want to be called Avonmora?"

"Avonmora is fine ma'am," Chihiro says.

"Okay, well Avonmora all of us were thinking of you going back to the Royal family. You don't want to be hanging around these peasants for any longer." Amene spits.

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