Nicki and Beyoncé

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So I know its weird for me to like her the way I do but I can't help it and since she's the first girl I've ever liked I needed to take things slow so she respected that and we did we went on dates with each other. We even had fun a few times while Blue was asleep when she woke up obviously we stopped. It has been a few days and Bey kept telling me how Jay wants her back but she can't take him back which is understandable. We went to the mall together and since its Blue's weekend with her dad she doesn't want to go but she doesn't really have a choice. Also we took photos together like we were holding hands with Blue and each other then we kissed Blue then we kissed each other. We were going on another date tonight just us and Blue was going with Bey's younger sister Solange and her son Marcus. After that I asked Solange to keep Blue for tonight and she said ok. I had something very special planned for Bey since she's been so stressed lately and it was a nice bubble bath then a massage. She laid down and cuddled into me we just laid there until we fell asleep.

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