Chapter 8

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A/N: I am so very sorry this one took me so long. I think I I wrote it at least 4 times. But anyway, here it is. Fluff/Drama/Angst all in one.
Answer the question at the end! :)

Marcus woke to the sound of rain falling outside the tent. From what he could tell it was still dark and he guessed he hadn't been asleep for long. He glanced down at Abby who was still curled up next to him. She was so peaceful when she slept, how did he get here? Back on the Ark he never thought he would ever be so lucky. Now, they were on Earth and he was no longer a Bachelor. He had a family, a child on the way that he had to protect. Abby began to stir as the rain picked  up outside.
"Hey" he whispered.
Abby opened her eyes, "What's going on?"
He stroked her face, "Its raining."
"I don't think these tents are waterproof." She said sitting up.
"No but I am." Marcus laughed pulling Abby on top of him.
  "Well now isn't this nice." She smiled.
"Let's hope it doesn't get too bad." He remarked.
"The rain? I'd like to go out in it and see what it's like." Abby said standing up.
"It's the middle of the night Abby, it's not safe."
She stood above him putting her hands on her hips.
"Are you telling me no?"
Damn it.
She had found his weakness and exploited it. If there was one thing Marcus Kane could not do it was tell Abby Griffin no.
"Well I just . . ."
"Come on, don't you think it will be fun?" She turned and began to unzip the tent.
"Abby, we need to save our energy." He groaned.
"Five minutes Marcus." She said before stepping out into the night.
Abby stood there, holding the lantern and looking around. The rain coated her skin and clothes slowly. She looked up at the sky and smiled, "Marcus come feel this." She whispered.
"I'm right here." He said coming behind her and wrapping his arms around her waist.
"It's so peaceful isn't it?" She asked.
"So peaceful." He replied resting his chin on her head. This felt so right to the both of them, their bodies got together perfectly. The rain began to fall a bit harder and Abby shivered as it drenched her clothes.
"Maybe this was a bad idea." She admitted her teeth chattering.
"Hey" he turned her around in his arms so she was facing him "I'm right here." He kissed her forehead.
To Abby this seemed to good to be true, she knew that every time she got close to someone something bad would be just around the corner.
"Let's get back inside." She said.
Marcus nodded helping her inside the tent then zipping it back up.
"Well our bed is soaked." She sighed.
"It's a miracle none of the others have woken up." Marcus laughed.
"Well now how am I supposed to sleep?" Abby huffed.
"Easy there your highness."
She shot him a death glare.
"Do you want an angry pregnant woman on your hands?" Abby snapped.
"Well, I didn't like the idea of the angry pregnant woman coming on the trip in the first place." Marcus replied looking through the blankets.
"Well, maybe she wouldn't be so angry if she could sleep in a proper bed."
"Okay you know what Abby? I told you no complaining. You wanted to come." He tossed her a dry blanket.
She caught it glaring at him, "Pillow?"
"They're all soaked."
"Go steal one from someone else."
Marcus laughed, "Now you're just being childish." Her mood swings were giving him whiplash.
"I'm not going to sleep any time soon am I?" Abby watched as Marcus laid out his jacket and sat down on it.
"Come on" he motioned for her to sit next to him. She sighed and gave in covering herself with the blanket once she sat down. Marcus laid back and pulled her on top of him.
"Is this a good enough pillow for you Miss Griffin?"
Abby was too tired to banter anymore, but she was awake enough to not give him the satisfaction of wining.
"It will do."she replied.
The next morning the rain had subsided, but it had left the ground drenched and muddy. Marcus stepped out of the tent and went over to the other tents.
"Time to move out men." He ordered.
There was no reply.
"Men lets go." He tried again, this time peaking inside of one.
Abby stepped out of their tent, brushing her hair with her fingers. "What is it?" She asked.
Marcus looked at her puzzled, "They're all gone."
"Gone? Like not here?" She asked confused.
"Yes Abby all the guards are gone. Guns and everything."
"They wouldn't just leave us like that."
"I know. Which only means one thing. The Grounders have them."
"Now Marcus you can't jump to conclusions."
"Abby, we are at war here and we left ourselves vulnerable when we decided to camp in the woods."
"Don't you dare blame yourself because this is not on you." She snapped.
Marcus knew she was right, but he was the Chancellor he was responsible for everyone. How could he not have noticed everyone was gone? Why did they not hear anything?
"I just don't understand it." He sighed.
"They're skilled Marcus, they're much more efficient on this earth than we ever will be."
"But why leave us Abby?"
"I don't know."
"I've got to get you back to camp." He said starting to take down their tent.
"I'm not going anywhere you don't go." Abby replied.
""This time it is not up for negotiation." His tone was harsh, he needed her safe.
"You want me back at camp so bad? You're going to have to take me there yourself."
"Abby I don't have time for this." He sighed packing up the last of the tent.
"Well then" Abby grabbed her backpack "you don't have time for your family."
"Hey that's not what I meant and you know it."
"Maybe so, but you should think before you speak." She turned on her heel and headed in the direction of the Grounders camp.
"Abby!" Marcus called.
She kept walking ignoring him every time he called her name. Just as she was out of his sight something hit her and she fell to the ground.
Marcus felt a knot in his stomach as he rushed toward her. Abby lay on the ground, blood pouring from her leg.
"I'm here I've got you." He said pulling her to him.
"Marcus" she said her voice weak "run."
"I'm not leaving you here."
"They will kill you."
"Then they kill me." He held down on her wound as she cried out in pain.
Marcus looked around, not spotting anything he carefully picked her up. Abby was limp in his arms the blood still pouring from her leg. He quickly ran back to the little camp then had made and sat her down in one of the smaller empty tents.
"You'll be safe in here." Said kissing her forehead.
Abby lay there weak, the blood soaking her pants. She bit her lip trying to be strong, "Marcus." She said weakly.
"Don't talk save your trench." He said as he began to examine the wound. His eyes widened once he cleaned away most of the blood either a cloth.
Abby looked up to see his worried expression, "What?" She said bitterly.
"Abby. . . It's not from a Grounder?"
"It's a bullet."
That only meant one thing, they were not o lay at war with the Grounders but they were at war with their people too.
Abby awoke on a bed in a dark room. She was groggy and her leg hurt like hell. The last thing she remembered was laying in the tent with Marcus hovering above her. She sat up slowly, her eyes adjusting to the darkness. Recognizing the family objects she knew they were back at Camp Jaha. 
"Marcus?" She called.
Her voice echoed in the semi empty room.
How did he get her all the way back to camp? What happened to the other guards? Could one of them have shot her? Abby had so many unanswered questions. She jumped as the door opened and Jackson appeared.
"Welcome back." He smiled.
"How long was I out?"
"Only a few hours. I was able to retrieve the bullet."
"Well done."
Jackson nodded, "I had a great teacher."
Abby laughed, "I had a great student."
"How are you feeling?" He asked checking her vitals.
"Tired" she replied "where's Marcus?"
"He's outside briefing Byrne on what happened at your camp."
"Jackson I need him."
"Abby the baby is fine."
Her stomach flipped. How did he know? Who else knew?
He could see the worry in her eyes.
"Kane told me when he brought you in."
"Who else knows?" She panicked.
"No one Abby, calm down. I'll get Kane."
Abby rested her head on the pillow and closed her eyes. They were not the only two that knew about the baby anymore. She did not mind that Jackson knew, hell he would probably be the one to deliver it. She was worried though, after what had happened in the woods she knew she wasn't safe. Her hand rested protectively over her stomach. When she was pregnant with Clarke things were different. For one thing she was much younger and Marcus was not in the picture. Jake Griffin was a good man, a good father and a good husband. But when it came to Marcus, Jake would never compare.
The door opened and there he was, Marcus stood there in his usual all black k store. His hair all combed neatly once again. He had begun to grow a beard and she kind of liked it.
"You look good." He smiled.
Abby blushed, "I don't feel it though." Was her reply.
Marcus walked toward the bed after closing the door and locking it. He took her hand and squeezed it greatly.
"You gave me quite the scare there Doctor Griffin." He said.
"I'm sorry Chancellor I'll  try not to get shot again." Abby smirked.
"We need to talk about that. Abby, it was a bullet, it came from one of our guns."
"Marcus who would want me dead?" She questioned.
"That's what I intend to find out." He placed his arm around her and pulled her close, "I promise I'm not going to let anything happen to you."
Abby clung to him with the little strength she had in that moment. She did not want to admit it but she was terrified. If she died, her child would too. Clarke would be an orphan and Marcus would be alone. They needed to fight this enemy and rid it from their lives.
"Marcus." Abby broke the silence.
He looked down at her as she continued to speak.
"We can't trust anyone."
"I know I know" she caressed her cheek with his thumb "you're safe Abby." Marcus pulled her close again. In that moment he vowed he would never let any harm come to her or their child. It had taken him too long to get where he was, where he wanted to be. He was not going to let anyone ruin that. The monster amount them needed to be stopped before any Grounder was dealt with.

Who do you think the enemy among the Sky People is?

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