Part 1 (Reader's View)

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Blackwell. The most prestigious art school in Oregon. Damn. I almost can't believe I was accepted here, but that may just be my crippling depression and self-loathing speaking. I try to take in my surroundings as I walk across the lawn to the main campus, the principal requested a meeting with me on my first day. I walk with my head down, part of me is avoiding the chill of fall, but the other part is enjoying the way the leaves crackle under my feet. I should pay attention more. I bumped into someone. "Woah. Are you alright there Miss?" , "Uhm yeah, yes sir, I'm so sorry", "Nothing to worry about, are you a new student?" He asks with an eerie calmness to his voice. "I am in fact. However, I am also quite lost." "Where might you be going? If I may ask...?" "Principal Wells office?" I ask unsure. "Oh of course, he mentioned the other day that he would be meeting with a student to place her in appropriate classes. It seems you were rather advanced in your prior schooling?" "Apparently so, I never expected to be accepted here, I took everything my old school offered in hopes of graduating early." "Seems I have an overachiever in my presence" he says softly. "I'm Mark Jefferson, I am the professor of Blackwell's photography classes." He states, eyeing the camera hanging from my neck. "Should I be expecting you in one of my classes?" He asks, smiling. "While I tend to not live up to expectations.... I should think so Mr. Jefferson." I state with a smirk. "May I ask your name?" "I'm F/N L/N. Nice to meet you." "Nice to meet you as well Miss L/N. Principal Well's office is right this way." He says gesturing with his hand towards the massive school ahead of me.

Mark Jefferson x ReaderOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant