Chapter 1

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Note: Read while listening to the song for a better mood.

  Present state? I am hiding beside a wall while carrying my phone in my hand. My clothing consists of nothing but black and I am completely covered except for my eyes and forehead. I am in an important rescuing mission. My dear guests are dangerous devil worshippers who have taken some innocent teens as sacrifices for some ritual as far as I've been told. And there comes my role, I must save them before they're done for good and eliminate the captors forever.Time to move on.

  The back door is 15 feet away, the upper opening of the building, 25 feet away, but the best option is the second.

I have sneaked up to the high opening and jumped in as my covered feet came in contact with the dark ground. Slowly and cautiously, I walked further into this ragged building looking for the right turn.
Found it.
I then climbed up again into a small hole which was located on the roof and crawled my way through. The small hole began to have more space the more I crawled into it.
Finally, I reached my destination  and jumped from this top hole on to the ground gracefully and without a sound. They didn't hear me. Good.
Who are 'they' you ask?
From what I see here, about 30 people are circling a drawn circle on the ground with...blood.
The victims are located on certain spots on the circle and they are,for some reason, not moving even though they appear to be awake, but scared. They must've been threatened with what is worse than the fate that awaits them.

The room is dark but with one source of light which is the moon. They are saying unknown words all 30 at the same time which gives me an advantage of their noise.
Of course, I took the opportunity and sneaked behind one of them to put my hand on his mouth and drive him backward to a corner while waiting for him to lose it.
With words, it might seem like a long process ,but really it takes no more than mere seconds. I continued this for 11 more, but they soon noticed this and...

Well...the real fun begins
"Intruder!" One shouted, so I placed my hands on top of the two heads who approached me and flipped ,reaching the victims  in seconds "Escape, to that window, I got your back" I said with my British accented husky sound.
They immediately marched to the window that even I was surprised. It didn't look like they had all that energy a few moments ago.
In the process, their attention was on stopping the victims from running away, but I was fighting them all off. One moment I am defending, another, I am punching and kicking.
Finally, they escaped.
My position. I am beside the window. The gentlemen are standing with groans of pain from my hits. They are ready to attack again, but they froze mid-way when their eyes landed on the object that I am holding. A lighted match.
They couldn't see my face, but I was smirking "Game over" I said with my husky-like voice and dropped the match to connect to the explosives. I jumped from the window and ran away from the building to hear an exploding sound just a few seconds later.
The explosion was so strong that it carried me with it a bit.

I stood in front of the building to make sure no one survived then turned.

"Saving the victims, done
  Killing the captors, done
  Mission Complete."

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 14, 2017 ⏰

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