Day -44

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"Cause the players gonna play, play, play, play, play."

I groaned as I rolled around on my bed, my hand blindly searching on my desk for my cell phone making the noise that dared to wake me. As I rolled around fighting the noise that kept me from more sleep, my body hit something hard causing me to groan out. I literally rolled out of bed and fell to the floor.

I opened one eye carefully, the semi dim light coming through the blinds over my window making me hiss. Vampires had it easy. But the noise was still going, my hand shot back up to my desk in search. Finally, it made contact with the devilish device, sweeping a finger across the screen to turn the music off. It just had to be my brilliant idea to set my alarm to one of my favorite songs. Motivational wake up music my bottom. I glared at the device in my hand, the numbers brightly lit, mocking me as it read 7 A.M. Monday.

"Oh, shut up, no one likes you." I hissed out to my phone before tossing it onto my bed.

I crawled across the floor to the door of my room, it was too early to actually walk. I grunted softly as I moved closer, the door suddenly feeling very far away. Sighing when my hand contacted the cool wood, moving slowly up the length until it wrapped around the door knob. I pulled gently and groaned when apparently, I pulled too gently and the door didn't open, stupid door was stubborn. I tried again and grunted at the stubborn door when it opened for me, allowing me to crawl out into the hallway, to the bathroom across the hall.

"Um, should I even ask?" Danika's voice broke through the fog that was currently my mind, but the chipper awake sound only earned a well thought out grunt. Danika laughed, a hand going over her mouth as she stood in the common area watching me crawling on all fours. "I take it you are not a morning person?" She asked which earned another articulate grunt.

Boarding school was already educating me.

Danika laughed harder and then turned around heading to the entrance of the dorm room. I grunted at her retreating back and continued my long journey to the bathroom, my hand pushing against the wood gently trying to force the door open. I didn't know what was up with all the stubborn doors in my dorm. I banged on it with my fist lightly, trying to push it open until suddenly it gave way to my incredible strength.

"You know, I wasn't in there that long." A voice said lightly, humor thick in her tone. I looked closer and noticed there were two feet in boots, attached to two legs in tights in front of me. I followed the legs upward as I saw a light blonde with a wide smile and green eyes looking down at me. So maybe it wasn't my strength. The blonde smiling down at me and trying her best to not laugh.

"Oh." Was the only coherent thing I could think to say.

Luckily Danika saved me, coming around the corner with a steaming cup of coffee. The smell alone made me moan out. Her thin lips stretched wide in a big smile on her face, welcoming and engaging. It made me a bit nervous, that look of welcome, of friendship being offered so freely to a total stranger. It set off a new wave of emotions inside of my chest. She offered the cup to me, maybe it was my foggy mind or the smile on her face, or maybe it was coffee but either way my hands wrapped around the warm mug she offered to me. I sipped slowly from the heavenly cup of caffeine, moaning when the sweet taste of vanilla erupted on my tongue.

"I didn't know how you liked it so I just made it like mine. Extra sweet." Danika offered, trying her best to not laugh at me. I didn't care, let her laugh, I had coffee. I moved to sit crossed legged, my focus solely on the heavenly cup of life in my hands. "There is a Krueger by the front door, sitting on the counter. Feel free to use it anytime, if it's in the common area we can all use it. Just buy your own cups."

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