chapter 3

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Harry's POV

Thoughts of the dream clouded my mind as I walk down the semi-crowded streets. I shoved my hands into the pockets of my jacket continuing my journey back to my quarters. I never really used the word home since I joined the army. I remember my grandad saying this old proverb

"You can take the boy out of the country but you can't take the country out of the boy."

Grandad was a good man and I looked up to him because my father was never usually around. I turned a small corner and stopped in my tracks. A poster that the council put up, a poster of me was covered in graffiti. Anger surged through my veins as I walked closer to the poster. I placed my hand onto the paper and ripped it off the pale concrete wall. The sound of ripping paper and gasps echoed through the small street corner. I turned around seeing a group of middle aged men and women staring in shock. I folded the poster until it looked like a small telescope. I shove it carelessly into my shoulder bag.

"What are you all looking at! Don't you have better things to do." I bellow harshly and I watch as they all scatter off into different directions.

What's wrong with people these days.

I shake my head and continue walking the short distance to my quarters.

I can't believe someone would completely destroy this poster. The council put so much effort and money into making these posters. I feel so saddened that someone would destroy a poster of me. I'm supposed to be a symbol of prosperity and a role-model.

I finally reached the gates of my quarters. I fished for my key id in my multiple pocket navy green jacket. I find it and place it on the scanner. The scanner then beeps and I place my right index finger on another small scanner. I hear the familiar ding and watch as the gates open. I walk inside and jog up the small set of stairs leading to my usually unlocked door. I push open the wooden door and slam it causing the glass vases on a small table to shake.

"General Styles, what is the cause of all this ruckus?" Mr.Smith comes out of the living room sipping a small cup of tea.

I throw the bag I was carrying onto the floor. I zip it open and pull out the vandalized poster and laid it on the large dining table. "The rebellion starts here" written in bright red letters.

"This is vandalism and it's punishable by death! Destroying public property and starting a so called revolution. Who would do this?" I demanded as I my fist slammed down on the poster.

"People like you."

"What are you talking about Mr.Smith. I am one o-, no actually I am the best general in this time period. I am respected by all and have loyal citizens at my beck and call. I am not like them." I corrected as I sat down in my luscious velvet chair.

He shakes his head and places his tea on the table next to the poster. "The council must of done some kind of brain washing because you don't even remember where you came from."


"I knew your grandad."

These words caused me to shut my mouth.

"He was an amazing man and a true friend to me. Before he died he made me promise him to watch over you and to make sure you became an independent man. He didn't want you to fall into the council's trap but I haven't kept my promise. Harry, that's your real name if you have forgotten. You were a very rebellious child. Always getting into trouble since you were barely out of the womb. Being rebellious ran through your veins. You started riots and got into fights with other boys over foolish things but you never lost. After going to your grandad, you always came back more rebellious than before."

I chuckled as the memories started to flood my mind.

I remember. He always told me stories of all these stories about Eddy G, this underground hero and how he changed the world. I wanted to be just like him, except I wanted to be known for my actions not hide behind a mask.

"You see Harry, you and your family were being constantly watched. Do you know your grandad's first name?" he asks waiting for my reply.

I shook my head.

"His name was Edward, which is where you got your middle name from. But the thing is most people called him Eddy. Eddy G."

I sat in my seat shocked as my brain processed everything that was just told to me.

"My grandad was the great Eddy G." I marveled as I remembered him sitting on his soft mint colored sofa drinking bitter coffee.

"Harry, I have to tell you something. Once I tell you, promise me you will run and never look back." he urged as I got up from my chair.

I stay silent.

"Harry, promise me please. They are coming." he begs as I see tears start to form in his doe brown eyes.

"I promise."

"Your grandad, Eddy. He was killed by the council. They murdered him in his sleep. Those bastards did't even give him a fair fight. Then they burnt down his house blaming it on his electricity." he starts to sob but then stiffens up.

"The people look up to you now to lead the rebellion. The council knows your the only living relative and they have done everything in their power to make you forget that. They killed your mother and grandad, now it's my turn."

"No! Smith we can make it. We can run away." I plead as I grabbed onto his arm.

"It's my time Harry. You have to make the legacy of Misfits live on." he choked and pulled me into a tight hug.

I cried into his shoulder as he ruffled my hair gently.


"Run! Harry go now. Take this and go." he shoves a paper in my hand and pushes me in the direction of the back door.

"I can't leave you."

"Harry go now! Don't let our deaths be in vain." he argued and pushed me through the backdoor.

Everything seemed to move in slow motion. I watched as Smith closed the door and I heard it lock shut. As soon as I heard the sound of breaking of metal I started to run. I didn't look back. I didn't look back when I heard shouts. I didn't look back when I heard footsteps. I stopped when I heard his voice, when I heard him shout his final words. I whispered the familiar words of my grandad as I kept on running.

"Misfits will live on. We will always be here and always stay strong. Just because you killed one doesn't mean your battle is done. We will keep on fighting until we have taken our last steps and breathe our last breathes. We have our goals in sight, we will continue on even if you take our life."

I feel myself collide into something. I then feel arms wrap around me as I cry into the shoulders of a stranger. He's dead. They killed everyone I ever loved. Little did I know the person holding me thought the same thing.

[a/n: sorry for the long wait. my co-writer couldn't write the chapter so I just wrote it in the last two hours. this is just some background on harry and did anybody see this coming? I wonder who harry is crying into. COMMENT your ideas and opinions.]

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