chapter 1

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song; human - daughter

E D I T E D //
Harry's POV

A red neon sign with the name 'Jackson Hole Dinner' illuminated a dimly lit street corner. It had been a long day and Harry needed a drink. He walked slowly in the direction of the diner, his mind blank. His hand grasped the cold metal handle and pulled open the glass door. He was met with chilly air upon entrance leaving goose bumps down his forearms. His eyes surveyed the diner before stopping at an empty bar stool. He walked up to the bar smiling at the female bartender before taking a seat. The bartender walked over to him smiling and pulled out a little black book.

"Hello. What would you like to drink general?" she asked, eyeing his military uniform.

Her lips tried to muster a smile even though Harry knew she had nothing to smile about. She was a hologram who's programmed to act real. Once holograms were real people. They ate, breathed, and functioned just like everyone else. Except sadly 5 years ago everything changed. The government sent out a request for people willing to become human labrats. If you signed up your family was to be sent food from the government and a monthly continuity. It seemed promising at first yet neverthless everything went downhill. A majority of the experiments failed and citizens either died or were mutated. Those who were mutated were turned into holograms and are now permanent workers for the government.

"A scotch... on the rocks?" he groaned, placing hands on his head.

She nodded stiffly before walking away.

Harry ran his hands through his wild hair and lets out a huge puff of air. He swiveled around on the stool a couple times, before searching his pockets for a pack of cigarettes. He felt his cigarette pack and open its. He examined the nearly empty pack and pulled out a single cigarette. He placed it between his lips and lifts his hand up to get the attention of the waitress.

I need a smoke so much right now.

Why is the holo taking so long?

A loud thumping sound echoed through the diner causing the cigarette to fall from between Harry's lips. On a small makeshift stage in the center of the diner is a young man. He was quite the eyecandy. His skin the color of creamy coffee and his eyes a chocolate brown. His hair was let out and it flowed down to his shoulders. He was of wealth because he was wearing a tuxedo with very eccentric detail. In this part of town only the elite could afford such things.

Where is my cigarette?

His finger tapped against the microphone making another loud thump, causing Harry to drop his cigarette once again.

"Attention everyone. My name is Dylan and I will be your host for tonight. Tonight we will have some live entertainment, so Duke can you shut off the track?" he asked looking at a holo in a sound booth. The holo nodded and the music fades to complete silence.

He nods in return, "Thank you, now for your enjoyment Miss Destiny Clarke will sing you an original."

He backed away from the microphone and his place was taken by a young woman. Her black longsleeve blouse with sky blue overalls gave off a unique vibe. She looked around the room nervously and her eyes land on Harry's. She took a deep breath before nodding in the direction of the holo in the soundbooth. [you can start the song here] The sound of drums fill the room and her fingers tap against her leg. She opens her mouth and I light my cigarette.

Woken up like an animal

Teeth ready for sinking

My mind's lost in bleak visions

I've tried to escape but I keep sinking

Her eyes stayed glued to the ground.

Limbs lost to a dead weight stake

Skull cage like a prison

And he's lost faith he'll ever see again

So may once he thought of me then

She lifted up her face and her eyes locked with his.

Underneath the skin there's a human

Buried deep within there's a human

And despite everything I'm still human

But I think I'm dying here.

She sways back forth with the beat. Her eyes stay shut until she starts to sing again. Harry couldn't break his gaze on her. A connection some sort of was being made and he didn't know why. She sings the chorus again and when she says the word human her eyes lock with Harry's. He places his cigarette absentmindedly against the bar. When she sang the last lyric she smiled and shyly bowed. Harry stood up clapping and placed two pinkies in his mouth making a whistling sound. The girl's face contorts as she starts to laugh.

"Harry." she shouts.

How does she know my name?

"Harry." she shouts again.

"General Styles wake up!" bellows a deep manly voice.

Harry rubs his eyes multiple times and open them over and over again. He sighs loudly realizing it was all a dream.

"It all felt so real." he grumbled.

"Mr.Smith." he muttered.

Mr. Smith enters the room setting a plate of oatmeal at Harry's bedside answers, "Yes."

"Send out a search party now for-."

I don't even know her name

"For whom sir?"

"Destiny Clark. Send a search party for Destiny Clarke."

[a/n: i hope this met expectations because it did for me. i really enjoyed writing this chapter and i hope you all enjoyed reading it, empire has gotten more feedback than i thought and one of the best wattpad writers EVER commented and said she loved the idea. this chapter is dedicated to @Kaythewriter because I love Black Friday and I love her.]


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