Hotel Room

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Justin and Zac waited in the green room at the Tonight Show and he could hardly believe his luck. As if his career wasn't spectacular enough, he was now here to promote his first big budget movie starring himself along side Zac Efron and Brad Pitt. He was playing Zac's younger brother in a remake of the film At Close Range originally starring Sean Penn and Christopher Walken. He looked across the couch at Zac and shifted slightly uncomfortably thinking of how his friendship with Zac had begun on set.
The whirlwind of activity that lead Justin from ending his sold out world tour to being on location with Zac Efron and Brad Pitt was still mind blowing. The fact that he'd always had a bit of a bro crush on Zac wasn't helping his nerves. Justin had done some acting before but nothing on this level. He had so much to prove to all the people he know were out there waiting for him to fail. When he got a text from Zac saying "Let's run lines bro. Room 10." His heart jumped! They were staying in a small motel in the middle of nowhere Tennessee. It wasn't exactly superstar accommodations but it was only for a couple weeks before filming moved to LA. Justin made his way across the small courtyard and was hit by how humid the night was. He knocked on the door marked 10 and felt a trickle of nervous sweat run down his arms and back.
Zac opened the door wearing a tank top and a pair of very worn looking jean shorts. His feet were bare. This did nothing to help Justin's nerves. On top of having a man crush on the older actor he'd secretly always gotten very excited around other guys in their bare feet. Zac's, as he'd seen on many blogs before were perfect. It was part of the reason that Justin took such good care of his own feet. "Hey dude." Justin said trying to keep his eyes on Zac's face and not his feet. They's met before so there was no reason for the nerves he was feeling. "What's up?" Zac replied with that perfect smile a million girls would kill to have directed at them. "I'm great, nervous, this is so cool." Lame Justin thought as he stepped into the room. The ancient air conditioner in the window wasn't doing much to help cool Zac's room. Zac's smile spread into something almost mischievous but quickly disappeared.
Justin took a seat in one of the two chairs around a small table in front of the air conditioned window. Zac's script was on the table next to several highlighters and a package of sticky tabs. "Zac, dude I forgot my script, i'm sorry, I can go get it!" Justin stammered. Zac picked up his script and took the chair opposite Justin. He put is bare feet on the table and crossed them. Justin felt himself go instantly hard in his jeans. He tried to remember who he was and why he was there. He couldn't take his eyes off Zac's toes. "Justin?!' Zac said in a slightly raised voice. Justin hadn't heard Zac tell him he could share his script and he also missed Zac repeating his name several times. "Sorry Zac" said Justin. "I think i just got a little distract...err nervous you know?" Justin said blushing. Justin thought he saw the ghost of Zac's earlier smile as Zac said, "Look dude, it's ok, you're going to do great and i'll help you anyway I can." Justin visibly calmed down but it did nothing to help the fact that he had 7" of teen pop star dick throbbing in his basketball shorts. "Pull your chair over and share my script." Justin heard him this time but there was no way he could stand up now. When Justin didn't move Zac got up and sat on the table placing his bare feet on the arm of the battered motel chair Justin was sitting in. "Justin." Zac said. "We are going to be working together for months. We're playing brothers dude. It's important to the film that we can be totally honest and trusting with each other." Zac's bare toes brushed Justin's arm as he spoke. "Is there something that will stand in the way of us running these lines? Anything at all I don't already know about you before filming starts?" Zac said. He was now obviously stroking Justin's arm with his bare left foot. Justin sat frozen for a moment not sure what to do. He could feel the evidence of his excitement leaking out of the tip of his dick as it bobbed in his shorts with each stroke of Zac's foot.
Justin stood up and turned his chair to face Zac. He sat back down and took both of Zac's feet in his hands, held them together and pressed his face into the soles of Zac's feet. He inhaled deeply and could smell, leather, sweat and Zac. He was in a frenzy as he started licking both of Zac's feet from heels to toes. He used his teeth and tongue to lick, suck, and bite on each of Zac's toes in turn. He sucked on both of Zac's big toes together and could feel the hair on top of them on his lips. Justin slurped on the second toe of Zac's right foot as he started running his hands up Zac's hairy legs. He licked the hair at Zac's ankles and rubbed his face on Zac's legs. Justin's dick was leaking so much he almost felt like he's already cum. This whole time Zac hadn't spoken. He'd just leaned back on the table as Justin indulged himself. Again that look of mischief played on his lips. It was only when Justin's hand slid into the waist band of his shorts that Zac said " No, don't!' He sat up on the table and pushed Justin back with his feet. He put both feet on both of Justin's knees and started working his feet up to Justin's crotch. Zac's feet were still wet with the pop stars spit when they found his pre cum covered dick. Zac used Justin's spit and pre cum as lube as he put Justin's rock hard 7" dick between the big and second toe of his right foot and stroked up and down. Justin couldn't breathe. He had no idea how Zac would react to his assault on his feet. Compared to some of the things he'd done or people claimed he did this seemed tame by comparison. Zac's foot picked up speed as he stroked up and down Justin's cock. Justin gripped the arms of the chair as he finally, blissfully came all over Zac Efron's foot. He tried not to scream out loud since the small motel was filled with production crew and entourage. Zac removed his feet from Justin's shorts and wiping the cum off as he did. He stood up and said, "Don't forget your script again." Justin stood as well on shaky legs lost for words. Zac pulled Justin close to his body, Justin was shocked as Zac kissed him! Justin was about to pull away in shock but Zac caught his bottom lip in his teeth just hard enough to hurt. Justin felt a surge in his dick again as Zac released him and said, "Welcome to the movies bro."

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