Hey welcome

21 1 4

I got bored so I thought let's rant.anyway on with the rant. Comment your rants, pet hates or opinion in general.

Today's subject: Assuming someone gender and the "Did you just assume my gender?" joke. 

I don't mean to offend ANYONE but this really bugs me I'm non-binary so basically I was born a girl and don't identify as male or female but instead both and neither at the same, I think. Anyway I walked into my geography class earlier today with my friend and the teacher said "sit down lads." and practically everyone muttered "They're girls" But one persons voice stood out the most one of my not so close friends said "did you just assume my gender?" in this really snobby voice. so I whispered "it doesn't matter," then he did it again he said "can you pass these to the boys at the back please?" 

right enough ranting anyway thanks for reading hope you enjoyed the song cause I know I did.


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