~3~ Mistakes

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I get on my phone and check my various social medias

YouTube comments, Twitter mentions, Instagrams tags etc...

I did a quick story showing my followers that I was fifth Wheeling

I got some replies

Jay was asking where was his invite
Charlize replied telling me not to get jealous
Tati was saying we could have been lonely together with Tahani as they were watching tv and movies
And I rarely do this but even read some of the fans replies
One of them asked when was Kaycee coming back

I knew I had a few days until she returned but the days felt longer as it got closer

I then received a text from...Nat?

Julian Pov

Me and Nat were finishing the night with dinner at a fancy restaurant

The night was fun to be honest

I won big at the casino as Nat was and somehow still is my good luck charm in there as I triple the money I put in

We saw some street performers on the Strip and saw the Blue Man Group at the Luxor

"You know what Nat I had fun tonight" I said as we were just waiting on the bill

"I'm glad you did" Nat replied

"Still means were not getting back together" I had to point out

"Jules I knew that so much earlier on" Nat said "The casino was fun but after that all you could talk about was Tati"

I admit we were very close in the casino even hugging a lot but I didn't remember us being that close afterwards

"I wish Tati could see this or Tati would love this, or Tati needs to try this she'll love it" Nat mocked me as I can feel my cheeks get warmer

"Shut up!"

"It's okay... I'm happy you're in love" Nat said to me confusing me as I never used the word love with Tati "It's obvious you wanted to share new experiences with her and if that's not love then boy you're whipped"

"The picture..."

"Oh yeah I almost forgot about that I honestly never planned on sending it I just wanted one more date with you" Nat said taking out her phone "Besides why would I want to mess with Josh or Kaycee relationships I love them they're like my little siblings"

Nat shows me her deleting the photo from her library

I felt relieved as I payed the bill and was waiting in them to for them to return my card

Then I remembered the message

"Make sure to delete that message too don't want you to accidentally send it" I say

"You right" as she takes out her phone going to her messages "oh shit!"


"I guess when I showed you the draft of the message it must have sent when I put it back in my pocket" Nat explained as the message was indeed sent to both Tahani and Sean some hours ago

Great now Sean and Tahani are going to hate them for cheating

Josh pov

"So we didn't cheat" I repeated myself

"Yes" Kaycee said

When she opened up Instagram there were clips of her acting a little weird... well weirder than normal but luckily or unluckily I was blocking most of it out from the cameras

But Kaycee apparently saw something that jogged her memory

Yeah apparently the party got lame so we decided to leave early but not without some drinks in us

And when I say some I meant a lot

And Kaycee's shirt got wet with alcohol and there were fire and lights around so I had thought of giving her my shirt so she can get rid of the one she was wearing so she wouldn't catch on fire

And when we left one of Kaycee's heels broke so I had carried her back to the room so she wouldn't mess up her foot or leg

And when we got there I laid her in bed and she begged for me to stay because she missed Sean so much that just having another body in bed made her feel better

So I stayed the night and apparently she took my shirt off because of the heat

"Now that we have that taken care of get out my room and shower" Kaycee said pushing me out of her room "I'm hungry I'll meet you downstairs in 30 minutes"

She slammed the door in my face but I didn't care I'm just happy I didn't end up cheating with my best friends girl friend/my fiancé's best friend

Kaycee pov

I shouldn't have lied

I honestly don't know what happen last night but when I was scrolling through Instagram I found a magnum wrapper on the floor

So I faked stretched and kicked it under the bed so Josh couldn't see

It didn't take a rocket scientist to know what two mildly good looking drunk adults with half there clothes on, missing there partners deeply, left alone at night would do and all you see afterwards is them in the same bed with a condom wrapper on the floor

So I had to lie since once I throw out the wrapper and Josh's shirt away and have the sheets washed there should be no evidence

Now its up to Julian to convince Nat to delete the photo

I then received a text...

Love Will Find a WayOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant