"I'm always the ten year old's favorites. Kill me now," I gag, causing her to laugh. Suddenly, she stops laughing.

       "Is there something about this mall and hot guys, or is it just me?" Char announces, fanning herself. I turn around to see a very attractive guy with a white t shirt on with some light wash jeans and a necklace on. He has sparkling blue eyes with hair that stands upwards. 

     "They're some good finds today," I inform her, giving a high five. She laughs, but suddenly stops.

      "Is that Brynn Williams?" she spits in disgust. I focus more on the girl with the super hot guy to focus on the girl I've grown to despise. Ever since our band started, she's been competition. The girl is a fowl person in general and I hate her.

      "Eww, what's a guy like him doing with a girl like her?" I snarl, and Charlotte raises an eyebrow.

     "But doesn't she 'not do relationships?' What's that about?" Char asks, making excessive hand movements towards their hand holding.

     "I don't know but...," I start, but then I notice that the next group of people is coming in, meaning one of the hot guys.

     "Watch and learn," Charlotte says, popping her invisible collar. I roll my eyes playfully, and watch as he walks in. He starts walking towards us, and I can tell that Char is purposely trying to look better. 

     "Hey cut...," Charlotte starts, but he walks right past her, and Brynn and her "friend" start laughing. Why? It's not like they can hear us anyways. Charlotte looks shocked, her mouth hanging open. She just got denied. It's not just that, but he walks over to Courtney, the youngest out of all of us. The youngest ones aren't supposed to attract the boys the older member's ages. 

     "Courtney look at this guy's shirt!" Savannah squeals. Courtney drops what she's doing to walk over, and the guy looks ecstatic. A look of pure excitement comes over his face. He turns around and shows her the shirt. It's a baseball tee, but on the back it says 02 with TEAM COURTNEY above it. 

     "That is so cool!" she exclaims before giving him a hug. They both look so excited that it physically warms my heart. I take a quick picture to show to her later.

     "Th-thanks I g-got it custom made," he stutters. Both of their faces have a look a pure joy and excitement on them that I have never seen anything compare to.

      "That is honestly one of the coolest things. What's your name?" she asks, and you can tell the boy is overwhelmed, but in a good way. There is a look on his face that makes it so you can tell this is surreal for him.

     "B-Brady Tutton," he answers, and a look of realization comes across her face.

      "I knew I had seen you somewhere! You were on Fresh off the Boat right?" she asks, and his jaw physically slacks.

      "Yeah," he answers in total disbelief. 

     "Does your bed room have a mini fridge full of...," she starts.

     "Hi-C Ecto Coolers?" he says it along with her. They both start laughing, and I accidentally let out an audible "awww." This is honestly the happiest I've seen her. She's not even like this around her boyfriend, but in all honesty, she looks better with this guy than her boyfriend.

     "C-can you sign my shirt?" he asks nervously, and a permanent smile is out on Courtney's face.

     "It would be an honor, Bradford," she smiles, and the expression on his face gets even more excited. It's as if you a child saw a holiday icon for real. He hands her his sharpie, and she signs her name on the back of his shirt. The positive energy coming off of both of them is enough for everyone in the meet and greet line.

     "Th-thank you," he awkwardly thanks after, causing a short laugh to come out of her mouth. The security guard guy next to Courtney gestures for Brady to leave, so he starts to walk away, but Courtney stops him.

     "Don't you want a picture?" she suggests. 

     "Of c-course," he says. He hands his phone of to one of the other girls to take the picture. She wraps an arm around his torso, and he puts his arm around her shoulder. If you were to look at the two of them, they would be the picture perfect couple.

     "Can I see your phone?" Courtney asks after the pictures are done being taken. He nods before handing her the phone. She types some stuff in before handing it back to him with a large smile on her face.

     "I just sent the pictures to myself," she smiles, handing him the phone. 

     "You two are holding everyone up," the guard huffs, and the four of us girls who aren't Courtney give him an "are you serious?" look.

       "I hope I can talk to you later Brady," she smiles, giving him another hug. He hugs her back before running off to Brynn and the other boy. You can see him jumping up and down while his friend tries to calm him down.

       "Although I was salty he didn't come over here at first, that was adorable," Charlotte smiles.

       "Although I was salty he didn't come over here at first, that was adorable," Charlotte smiles

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     A ton of Brady pictures would only be fitting for this chapter. Omg this chapter was so much fun to write, AND IM POSTING IT LATER THAN USUAL, YET IM NOT TIRED ITS A SIGN.

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