A shower of smiles

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Warm water dripped down his black, messy hair as he rinsed the soap from his well-built body. The tattoos on his arms seemed to be melting with the water. He extended his right arm and turned the steaming water off. He used one of the white towels near his shower curtains to cover his lower body and made his way to his bathroom sink; he slid his hand on the foggy mirror as he left behind a straight, yet curved line. His cold, hurt, and brown eyes filled in that curve. With the other towel, he dried his hair with both hands. 

The door creaked open and behind it, curious, brown eyes appear. The door opens all the way, and a thin, well-curved girl stands next to the door. Her loose, dark brown hair covers her left eye and the girl's right hand touches the wall. She has a huge smile that shows her white-pearly teeth. Her eyes stare into space, and with one hand, the guy turns around and keeps drying his hair. A smile forms into his face and walks towards the girl. He wraps the towel around his neck and puts the girl's hair behind her ear. The girl's smile grows wider and her eyes stop to stare at a blank wall. The boy leans down and kisses the girl's forehead. He wraps his arms around the girl, and she responds by wrapping herself around his waist. The boy puts his chin on the girl's head and closes his eyes.

Moments after, the girl places her right hand on the boy's chest. She lifts it up and smiles.

"I hope that's water"

The boy chuckles. 

"We both do"

The boy steps away from the girl and takes her hand. He takes the towel off his neck and dries her hand, then puts it on her face. The wet and warm towel startles her.

"Did you really just put your towel on my face?"

"If you ask me, it's a nice touch"

The girl takes the towel off her face and throws it to the boy. He slowly takes it off with his mouth open and sees the girl softly chuckling. 

"Now don't make me that face mister, you started it"

"Touché...So what was your nosy self doing spying me in the bathroom"

"Duh, to see you showering"

The small bathroom seemed to pause in time. The girl softly smile and her eyes stared at the floor. She looked up again at the blank wall.

"You don't have to be uncomfortable around the topic. I've learned and accepted to live in a dark world"

"You know I can't forgive myself for doing this to you"

"No, don't say that. You know I forgave you along time ago"

But I haven't. 


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