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Ok so in the comments to the last chapter the groovy midnightmemories14 said i should do a tribute to grease and i will. But only because i want to. Not because she told me to.

So some of yous people might be wondering. Grease, ..... Why????

Well at school we did grease as a peformence. It was so fun. :-) midnightmemories14 was Rizzo. Jazmin1111 was Patty. I was miss Lynch. Hoppyisspecil was Cha cha as well as a load of other awsome people. Lots of cool things happened including missing some lessons to do a specil peformence for the primary school, Mr K being the teen angel and swinging of on a rope, a few girls went to get changed and forgot that they had another scene (Mr K is never going to let them forget it) so Jaz had to fill in and on the first night i sorda forgot my lines. Oops. So anyway. I am going to do what i did last chapter except with characters in Grease. If something dosent make sense to you it will eather be a reference to our Grease or i am just going mad (going mad? I have been mad for yeares). Plz remember this is not about the film but about the play. There is no car chase. Ok so here we go:

Sandy- not get back with Danny. If he is not happy with who i am then i ain't gonna change myself in to a slut for him.

Rizzo- wear longer pj bottoms.

Frenchy- see a psychiatrist because i am having halusanations about angels.

Jan- eat. Food is good. I like food.

Marty- not agree to marry an irish marine. Endsville!

Patty- get a longer cheerleaders skirt.

Miss Lynch- REMEMBER WHAT I AM GOING TO SAY!!!!!!!!!!!!

Cha Cha- get a life and stop being such a female dog!!!

Sonny- twirke

Everyone- go northern when I get exited

Ok so i only did the girls and Sonny but yeeeeeee. I need to leave in 20 mins and i need to get changed and have tea or dinner or whatever you want to call in.

Ok. Plz vote and comment and eat. Eating is good.

Em xxxx


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