Chapter three

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✧Time skip
✧Like a week or two away✧

Your point of view:

I've been at camp for a little while now, Enough to know each kids name and personalities. Getting to know everyone was quiet fun seeing how everyone has unique qualities, but David was still quiet a mystery to me. I want to talk to him more but every time i try i get all choked up and end up just saying never mind and walking away. I don't know what's wrong with me I've never had trouble talking to anyone before, what does this mean?

I was going to go star gazing tonight because the sky is supposed to be clear maybe I can invite him to go with me? No, that'd seem like I was asking him out. Do I want to ask him out?! I need to calm down I barely know this guy... And yet I seem so fond of him? Ugh emotions are so complicated. I distance myself from my thoughts and walk into the mess hall for breakfast, I spot David and walk over to him. "Hey David," You say happily
"Hello (Y/n)! How can I help you on this fine day?"
"I was wondering if you'd like to go star gazing with me tonight..?"
He paused his face slightly growing pink "I-i'd be delighted to!" he finally said
"Sweet alright see you later then!" I say and walk off

Ugh why is so adorable?! I spent most the day helping kids with activities and just watching kids so they wouldn't do anything dumb and hurt themselves. The day just seemed to be going by so slowly and it was just making me nervous. The sun was finally setting and the kids headed to the mess hall to eat a snack, I decided that I was going to go for a little walk to clear my head. I ended up just walking to the edge of the forest and standing there for a bit thinking about random things that popped into my head, even though I was trying to clear my thoughts.

A couple minutes later I met David by our cabin and we walked to the docks talking about our days. I sat on the dock and patted the ground next to me, inviting David to sit next to me. It was silent for a bit and then David began to speak, "(Y/n)? Did you invite me out here as in like a date kind of thing? I-i mean I wouldn't mind if it was a date-"
My face heated up "I-i'm not sure, I wasn't really thinking that much.." I stuttered.
"I'm sorry I made this awkward, I didn't mean to!" David said looking down at the lake,
I sighed and slowly grabbed his hand "I don't mind if it is a date or not as long as you're okay with it," I say.
The moonlight hit his face he was blushing a deep red, I smile and he returns the smile. He held my hand and I heard him mumble "I like you (Y/n), I never want this moment to end..."

Authors note: I hope this was slightly romantic, I'm not that good with romance I apologize! :P 

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