Chapter 6 | The Big Reveal

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One Week Later
10 AM

I sigh as I slam my hand on the alarm. Today I find out the gender. I get dressed, put my shoes on, which is actually quite a struggle since I'm now six months pregnant. I scurry to comb my hair and do my makeup. I rush to the door as somebody knocks. I open it. "Savannah!" She squeals. "Oh, Lastic." I giggle as she pulls me into a tight hug. I push her away quickly, as my head starts to turn and my stomach gets butterflies. "Sorry." She says. "I-it's fine. The baby doesn't like it." I smirk a bit and walk out the door with Lastic following me. She gets in her car, and I sit in the passenger seat. She pulls the lever to start driving and I place a hand on my stomach. It's been about four months I've known I was pregnant, yet I still can't get over the fact I'm pregnant with peanut. The doctor said last month the baby was still the size of a peanut, and hadn't grown in the past month before that. That worried me a bit, but I was relieved this month when I started gaining a few more pounds. I barely notice we arrive, and I step out of the car. I walk into the hospital and giggle as I see the whole taco squad, except Chad. Ryan swoops me into a hug and I lay my head on his shoulder, close my eyes, and sniffle. I wrap my hands around him and cry. He chuckles and pats me on the back. "I-i actually do wish C-chad could be here for this." I say in between breathes. Ryan nods. I pull away from the hug as the doctor calls for me. "See ya." He says as I follow the doctor into the room. He asks me to lay on the hospital bed and I nod. I get up on it. The doctor placed the gel on my stomach, and I place my hands at my sides. He scans my belly. "The baby is quite healthy." I smile. He points at the different parts of the body. I take a deep breath and start crying. "Your having a girl, Savannah!" I burst into tears and grin a bit. I'm having a little girl.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 30, 2017 ⏰

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