Ramble #3

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I might as well make this book about my brother. .. I just. I don't understand! 
My mother left for Maryland this morning to visit a friend so Im a little bit on edge. My brother. Is so. So. Loud. It causes me physical pain. I cannot handle it. I legitimately have mental issues.  He has caused and witnesses so many of my melt downs. He has made me sob. He knows that he is causing me pain but he doesn't care. I'm not making assumptions here. I know. After 2 years I know.

Im sitting in the living room with my earbuds in at full volume. And I can still hear him screaming at the Freaking Tv. I asked him nicely several times to please be quiet  and then I snapped. I admit It was wrong of me to do... I yelled at him to shut up and he screamed back "WHY DONT YOU JUST GO UPSTAIRS" I couldn't hold my tounge. I screamed "Why dont  you just be quieter!"  and he Yelled at me "YOU MAKE ME HATE MY LIFE!" And Then I lost it... I feel really bad about it. "You make me wanna put a bullet through my skull" then he just looked at me and went back to his f**king Game. I cannot deal with this Bull.
I know Im a douche alot but Jfc...

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