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"I-uh..." Kaede stuttered. "Deja vu goddammit." she whispered to herself.

I backed away a little bit. A little surprised. Not knowing what to say. This was so awkward.

Kaede was beet red as she took a deep breath. "The cats out of the bag... Which is funny because snakes eat cats... And bunny's..."

"Actually it doesn't work like that anymore, we've evolved into more sophisticated creatures and I'm just getting off topic, aren't I?" I said.

Kaede nodded. "Yeah."

We stood in a awkward silence for about ten minutes straight.

"Well, I'm gonna stay out for a bit... I'll see you later...?" Kaede awkwardly backed away.

I did the same. And soon we were out of each other's sight, which was both relieving and stressful. Stressful because I'd have to deal with it later.


I flopped on my bed as I let out crocodile tears.

"Why was I so pushy?" I cried silently.

After twenty minutes of silence, my phone rang to my surprise.

I took my phone out of my pocket and answered.

"Hi?" I answered.

"Hello there, Nagisa." A woman said.

I reconized the voice. It was my mother. I cleared my voice.

"What is it?" I said monotone.

"Nothing, just wanted to check up on you..." she said, her voice getting a little high pitched. But mom let out a sigh. "I'm sorry for leaving you home alone for so long." she apologized.

I forced a smile. "No it fine. Kaede's kept me company throughout the summer."

Mom nodded and went on with her own news. She informed me that she would be back during August, and say a few days, maybe a week.

I dropped my phone of my bed as soon as she hung up. Lazily, I got up and went to the living room. Maybe I'd clean up a little bit.

Taking out the vacuum I heard a knock on he door.

"Coming!..?" I walked over.

As son as I opened the door, I saw three of the most vile creatures in existence.

"Hey there, shota." the tallest smirked.

If you don't know who I'm taking about its one of the friends of the guy I kinda almost killed. Slamming the door I locked it and went to my room as they pounded on the door.

I locked my door and went to my phone.

I should call someone quickly before they break down the door!
But who?

I think it should be Karma. Going with that I dialed the number.

"Yes?" he picked up.

"Ah! Karma, I need you to rush over to my house as quickly as possible!" I said.

"What? Why?" he asked.

"It's sorta an emergency." I said.

"Well sorry, I have things to do. Like sleep. Bye." he hung up.

I dropped my phone on the bed.

"Good for nothing asshole." I said to myself.

"Open this door!" one of them yelled from downstairs.

I tensed up.

Think. Think. Think. Think.

There's gotta be a safe way to get me out of this.

I walked to Kaede's room that was next to mine. There on a shelf was the same bat that Ms. Yukimura waked me with. It better be useful.

I walked down and put my ear against the door. But immediately took it off because it hurt.

I opened the door and faced the three.

"Facing us like a man, are we?" he smiled villy.

I swung at his shin, shoulder and chest in a flash. Winded, he held onto his shoulder as he fell down.
"Get out." I told the other two.

They didn't move until I raised the bay slightly. I shrugged as they left and went back inside.


"So, that was your emergency?" Karma was surprised.

He was leaning back on my couch as we played with the cards.

"Yeah, not my finest moment." I sweatdropped.

"No kidding." he set down a card. "Anyway, where's Kayano?"

I tensed up at her name as a flashback of this morning went through my mind.

"She's gonna be our for a bit." I set a card down right after.

Karma responded to my move and quickly countered it. "What happened?"

"Why would you assume something happened?" I said.

"Because, Kayano is supposed to supervise you and you must of done something to piss her off."

I glared at the cards in my hand. "I didn't exactly piss her off... At least I don't think so."

"What did you do?"

I thought the idea through of telling him what happened. Maybe he'd know what to do.

"Well, it started at around five am. Kaede had a nightmare and woke up crying. And after awhile at around 6 we went to go eat. While in there, I asked her what she was crying about." I set down an 'A'. "She said it was silly and ended up telling me it was about getting rejected by her crush in a terrible manner. At that moment I felt a little batrayed by her, or some kind of feeling like that. And even though for the whole of hour we were there, she didn't tell me. Finally when we left I kept up the pestering so she finally blew up and shouted at me... A guy's name."

Karma set down a different card that would make mine useless. "Who was the guy?"

I did respond.

"I'm gonna take a wild guess and say... You." he cracked a smile.

I sat frozen. "How did you know?"

Karma tapped his head with his finger. "I'm smart."he gave a fangy grin. "So how do you feel?"

I fidgeted in my seat. "I don't know."

Karma closed his eyes. "I think you do like her~" he went into his normal, teasing self now. "I mean, what kind of 'friend' stares at the other 'friend' for that long? Who gets so upset over who the other had a crush on? Hm~"

I blushed. "Shut up!"

Karma smirked, a tail popping up. "You know I'm right so don't fight it. Now tell me, how are you gonna except her feelings?" he asked.

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