Chapter 21

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I smiled knowing that Ginny is safe. I got stuff to write her back. But I don't know when will be the great time to go up there and hide it in our spot. Pansy has been following me. She knows something is up. I don't need her to know. If she finds out then Ginny is in trouble. I can't put her in danger.

I walked out of my room and into the common room. I saw Pansy sitting on the coach Blaise.

"Hey man. Where are you heading?" Blaise asked me. I was so close out of the door.

"No where. Just a walk." I said standing there.

"See Blaise. He is hiding something." Pansy said to me.

"What do you mean?" I asked.

"Pansy told me that you were going places and coming back with a smile on your face. Man come on. If you are hiding something. What is it? You can trust us. We are your two best friends." Blaise said.

"Dude. There is nothing going on. I am just taking a walk." I said. Then I walked out of the common room.

I just walked down the hall. I just let my feet take me. I then saw where I was. I hand my letter in my pocket. I placed it where it belong and where she could find it.

*Ginny's POV*

I wake up. I looked around. I wonder what time it is. I looked out to see where Neville is. I found him. I got up and came up behind him saying,


After I did that. Neville jumped. I scared him. Everyone around us was laughing at Neville.

"You scared me Ginny." Neville said.

"Sorry Neville." I said trying not to laugh myself.

"Sure you are. What's up?" He asked me.

"You guys got it here?" I asked him.

"Yeah. Why do you ask?" He asked me.

"I just wanted to make sure before I go out and see what is going on." I said to him.

"Okay. Just be careful and don't get caught." Neville said.

"I will. Be back soon." I said leaving him. I did want to see what is going on but also see if Draco left me a letter or not.

I did my rounds in the castle. It seems quiet. I will have to ask Draco about that. I then walked to where we hide our letters. I saw Pansy and Blaise there. They were looking in the plant. I saw the letter. I have to get to it before they do. I came out of where I was hiding.

"Hey." I yelled at them. They looked up and looked right at me and smiled. I then ran. They ran after me. I hide again. They ran right past me. I quickly went to get the letter. I grabbed it and went back to the others.

I ran inside to the others. Neville looked up from where he was.

"Ginny, are you okay?" He asked coming over to me.

"Yeah I'm fine. Just had to get away from two Slytherins." I told him.

"Okay. Did they get to you?" He asked me.

"No. I am fine." I said walking away to read Draco's letter.

I sat down and opened the letter to read,

Dear My Golden Princess,

I am always happy when I get a letter from you. I am so happy you came back. I don't know what I would have done if you didn't come back. That is the Lovegood girl go back to you save. I know she was your friend. So I tried my best to make sure she didn't get hurt or anything. That is why you are best. You understand and don't push me. That makes sense now. I thought that when they got away. I know that too. But that is my wand. I know I sound like a whining baby. That is good he got buried. He is happy and at rest. I didn't know he thought that about me. It's cool. I am happy it was you who told me. It is not a smart idea. Pansy has been following me and snooping around. So for right now this is how it going to be. I really want to see you too. But can't right now. It is harder than before break. They are now more. So what have been going on in there? I have not heard much. I am safe too. Sometime soon my dear. It is best for now. Write soon. Will always have faith in us. Always have faith will see each other soon.

Your Evil Prince,


I wrote him a letter and left to hide it. I saw Pansy, Blaise, and Draco on around that spot. What is going on?

*Draco's POV*

"Guys what are we doing up here?" I asked them.

"We saw kitten up here. I think she will be back. We watched her come back here." Pansy said.

"I don't think they will be back. Who did you see?" I asked them.

"The Weaslette." Pansy said.

"Don't call her that." I yelled that at her.

"Wow dude. Why do you say that? Do you like her?" Blaise asked me. I looked at them. Do I tell them the truth? I have to. I trust them. They are my friends. If they want to back stab me then I will hurt them. I looked at them saying,

"Well, here is the thing..."

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