Batman Metaphors

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In retrospect, she really should have seen this one coming. I mean, seriously, what person who has everything going great for them really expects life to carry on like that?

The weeks leading up to the incident- because, no, she wasn't immature, she just didn't want to call it what it was, Dumbledore's advice be damned- had been... different, to say the least. It had been almost a sort of limbo, a calm before the storm, if you will. The kind of peace- absolute perfection- that almost makes you wonder if you're even awake. Well, at least now she knew it wasn't a dream.

(One of the many dreams she'd had about this exact situation).

How the hell had this even started?

-Two months ago-

She'd liked him for what had to be forever. Because, when you're a teenager, one year might as well be forever, right?

It had started out simple enough. She'd known him for years, but they hadn't really talked much- or, at least, not enough for anything to happen. And then her stupid friends had to go and ruin it by pointing out how stupidly cute they'd be as a stupid couple, and all of a sudden all she could think about was how stupidly perfect he was.

And so it had gone on. For a year.

She had thought it would stop, and honestly, it almost did- summer break hit, and not seeing a person for two months can really change how often you think of them. Until, of course, school started again, and they were in the same class and seeing each other every day and what was that saying about absence making the heart grow fonder?

Needless to say, it hadn't stopped.

And so, here she was, trying very hard not to think about the way his thick hair curled around his ears and that stupid face he made as he told her terrible jokes and how freaking adorable it was when his shoulders shook as he laughed and- no, stop it!

And she was trying even harder not to think about how there was no chance in hell of him ever liking her back.

So she pushed it from her mind, instead joining in his infectious giggles at something he'd said that was so not funny that it had her bent over and clutching her stomach, trying to just enjoy being around him.


A few days later was when it started.

Really, she should thank her teacher for the whole thing, although she wasn't sure it was really something she was grateful for.

She'd been talking to him- because hey, her friends weren't there yet, what was she supposed to do- when her teacher, master of timing he was, decided to walk by at the exact moment she had been once again bent over, clutching her stomach in a fit of giggles, and had given them what she could honestly say was the strangest look a teacher had ever given her. Followed by a knowing smirk.

And, wonderful, he'd seen it too.

"Hey, um. . . did you see that?" And try as she might to deny it, the traitorous pink on her cheeks would surely give her away, so she nodded her head yes.

"He was looking at us funny. . ." Way to go me, pointing out the obvious.

"I think- I think he thought we're dating." And that's when they simultaneously noted just how close they were standing, close enough for her to notice the little freckles on his nose and how his hair had gotten even thicker.

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