Chapter 11

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"No problem Marley." Rachel said out her window. Then I watch her drive way from my house. I walked into the house. I saw my mom shoes at the front door so she is home. It is the great time to ask her. I walked into the kitchen and she was at the kitchen table.

"Hey mom." I said sitting down at the table.

"Hey honey. Did you get something to when you were out with Puck and Rachel?" My mom asked me looking at some papers.

"Yes. We went to some place Puck knows. It was called Honeys." I told her.

"Was it a nice place?" She asked still looking at the papers.

"Kind of. It was a fast food restraint. Nothing special." I told her. "Hey mom can I ask you something?"

"Of course honey. What is it?" She said finally looking at me.

"Can I see my birth certificate?" I asked her.

"Why would you want to see that?" She asked me with a confused face.

"I just do. So can I see it?" I asked a little bit scared that she was going to say no.

"Sure honey. I have a couple in your baby book." She said getting up and leaving the kitchen. I just stayed where I was. I was shocked see said yes. I really thought she would question me about it. That was easier than I thought. "Here it is." She said returning to the table and putting my baby book down to the pager of my birth certificate.

"Is that my father's name?" I asked her pointing to the name I didn't know.

"Yes. I know why you want to see this." She said looking way from the book.

"You do?" I said scared.

"Yes. You want to know who your father is. Honey I don't know much about his where abouts." She told me. I looked at her. I was scared she was mad at me.

"You are not mad at me are you?" I asked looking at her.

"No honey. I just should of seen this coming. You have the right to know who he is. But don't you think for a minute that I didn't love your father. I did but things change and people change. Just remember this honey. He might not be the man you know. But I am happy I meet him. Because of him I got you." She told me. She gave me a warm felt smile. I smiled back at her. Then I gave her a big hug.

I'm happy she is not mad that I'm trying to find out who he is. I looked at the birth certificate and saw that the name was.....

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