"Now you know Alex is only protecting you"


Stuart twirled the bottle in his hand "Your dad and Alex had some issues, you would never understand. I was right there every time Sam beat the shit out of him, you were just lucky and fortunate". Jason shook his head continuously. "Besides" spoke Stuart "I don't think this will be enough"

"What are you talking about?"

"You need the bite"

The vehicle was parked outside the house finally as the boys jumped out heading in. I was unable to move however and so was Alex. He was staring ahead without a single movement looking towards the windshield. I wanted to break the silence but I had no idea how after all I knew nothing of Alex, all I knew that he was hell bent pissed off at Jason for what he did to me.

"Why did you let him hurt you?" Alex finally asked. I stared at him, trying to study him but came up with nothing other than how much he felt sorry for me.

"Why do you care?"

"Because I know the kind of monster Jason really is. We're blood. You think I like being the brother of Jason McCann?" he now turned to me "Do you think I like being a McCann?" I said nothing.

"It's been passed down from my father. My dad's dad did it to him and somehow it reached to Jason after he watched me relentlessly suffer at the hands of our own father, that's why I did nothing when the Taliban came after him. I watched him die" I gulped hard picturing every word. "Want to know why Jason hates me so much?" I really didn't.

"Jason hates me because of our father's death. He mainly blames me for The Taliban going after him when it was his own fault for not being careful. Something I lack in. Our father's death followed 2 days after and I didn't show my face which also angered Jason even more. We had a gruesome fight over it when Uncle Stuart had took us in. After I was taught enough to survive in the world with the use of bombs when we got older, I fled and we went our separate ways".  Alex gazed at the windshield again "Do whatever you have to and get out as quickly as you can" he warned me. His hand reached for the door handle "Jason is coming with something bigger, bigger than just bombs, guns and a gang, he's coming stronger and more powerful than ever before. Watch your back Hailey and get out". The door was slammed as he left me there in the passenger seat to wonder, wonder about my life.


*Present Day*

Rob Steinfeild or Detective Steinfeild as I know him called concerning my parent's death and the murder weapon that lead to it all. I was called to the station and into his office. It was the same like I had remembered but what I wasn't prepared for what he was about to tell me next.

He whisked open a draw on the inside of the table and pulled out a picture and slapped it on the desk towards me turning it slowing. I was taken aback by who I recognized immediately dressed in black attire- a hoodie to be exact. "Do you know this person in this picture?" he stared at me peculiarly waiting for an answer. "Y-y-yes" I fumbled for words. "It's Alex McCann"

I couldn't take my eyes off of his face. Did Alex have something to do with their death? If so why? Even so now I'm in the heat, if Rob knows I was involved with Alex McCann friendship wise then we would all go down together and it won't be long till they get Jason too.

Rob cleared his throat "Hailey" he paused "This guy, Alex how do you know him?" I twisted and fidgeted in the chair. "He was a friend"

"Nothing more?"

A Member Of His Gang-A Jason McCann StoryWhere stories live. Discover now