"Much better." I said. "Now you look like you."

Lex took a step back, his eyes raking me up and down. There was a hint of satisfaction on his face, and he stroked the roundness of my cheek.

"My sin, my soul." He breathed.

I recognized the quote immediately. Lex had taken up the habit of reading to me before bed-his latest book of interest had been Nabokov's Lolita. He had taken a fascination to it, and I caught him mumbling phrases from it on more than one occasion.

"Shouldn't we go greet the guests?" I reminded him. I could hear the clamour of the press and the rising of voices as they filed into the ballroom.

"I would rather stay here with you." Lex sighed, and pinched the bridge of his nose. "Why must they all come here? I wish it were only the two of us."

I pulled his sleeve, eager to see all the guests in their fancy clothes. Already, I could hear the first pull of the string quartet. Lex took my hand, and led the way down the stairs. A hush went over the crowd as we came into view. Lex clapped his hands, a charming smirk descending on his face.

"Ladies and gentlemen! So happy to have you all here! This is my lovely ward, Ruth. Be kind to her." He squeezed my hand, and disappeared into the fracas. I stayed for a moment longer, watching him mingle and flirt his way through the crowd. Jealousy tingled in my stomach as I saw him kiss a young woman on the cheek, and then kiss her knuckles with a slight bow.

Well, two could play at that game.

I watched as an older man entered. He had greying hair, and even from afar, he exuded an aura of power.


I stumbled down the stairs, tripping over my own feet in my haste. The waiters all knew not to give me champagne-but the guests didn't. Keeping my distance, I followed the man into the main room. He was muttering to himself, looking around with sharp eyes.

"She seems like our best source of information, Alfred." He was arguing with someone. "She lives in with him. She looks young, maybe nineteen."

I slipped through the throngs, trying to catch his low conversation.

"I can't get her drunk! She's tiny. A slip of a thing." There was a pause. "You're right, as ever. The good of the many, I suppose."

He took two glasses from a passing waiter, and that was when I made my move. I bit my lip, and laced my fingers together, trying to look lost and innocent. The man noticed me immediately, and stepped towards me, offering a hand.

"Bruce Wayne. I don't think we've met."

"Ruth....Ruth." I said, and took his hand. He shook mine gently, and offered me a flute of bubbling champagne.

"You're empty handed. Odd, for one of Luthor's parties. He does have the best taste in alcohol." Bruce said conversationally. I took a careful sip, the alcohol burning the back of my throat.

"I wouldn't know. This is my first one." I took another, larger sip, enjoying the way my muscles seemed to relax of their own accord. It took all my restraint not to drain the glass, but Bruce took it from me, replacing it with a glass of white wine.

"Is it? You must try the wine." He watched in satisfaction as I swallowed a mouthful. I was already feeling giddy, the combination of my empty stomach and high volume of alcohol I had consumed very suddenly. "So you live here?"

"Yep." I smiled, wobbling a little. "With Lex. He likes to be here with me rather than in the city. I get to sit on his couch in his office. Do you have an office?"

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