"Need Some Help?"

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You woke up in the morning, blearily rubbing the last of sleep out of your eyes before realizing you were late for work. You grab your suitcase, and being temporarily broke, make the decision not to use any transportation except your feet. Ten minutes later, you're running, looking a complete mess as you hurry down the street, blurting out "Excuse me! Sorry ma'am! Coming through!" as you rush through, bumping disgruntled morning commuters gathered on the sidewalk. You swerve and dodge, checking your watch to try to get ther at least before 8:49 until- "OOF!" You hear as you slam into the rather sturdy chest of a person in front of you, tumbling down, suitcase, dress, and all. You ruin your dress, scrape a knee, and you know you'll end up late. You sigh and rub your scraped knee a little before you notice the hand outstretched in front of you. It isn't too big or small, just medium size, covered in eraser dust, pencil marks, and...wait, is that Sharpie?!? The man you bumped into is holding his hand out to you. "Need some help?" He says in a British accent, his voice lilting at the end of the sentence. You look up at him, starting from his scuffed black shoes, his baggy beige pants, his green hoodie, one hand in a pocket the other stretched towards you, the chain around his neck that's holding what looks like a cola can, up to his face. Warm and happy, it glows with a sort of magic, the faint blush around his ears barely visible. His large eyes are the color of melting chocolate, filled with tiny sparkles and stars that made you just want to look into his eyes and never look away. Slightly lighter shaded brown hair crowns his face, tumbling down in messy bangs next to his eyes and over his ears. Seeing you looking at his hair, he nervously pushes some of the bangs behind his ears, but they instantly spring back. He sighs and then almost jumps when you take his hand to get up. He pulls you up, surprisingly strong, watchong as you dust yourself off. "Th-thanks, sir..." you say, watching him out of the corner of your eye as you gather your things. "Oh, no problem, miss.....I didn't quite catch your name..." You blink. "(Y/N). Nice to meet you...."  You stutter to a halt.    "Uh, it's Edd." He says. And with that awkward introduction he shoved both hands into his hoodie pockets and looked at the ground.

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