Thats where the ticking sound came from, the sound that woke her up. She then went back to rememebering the scene from last night, she was sure that Wirt didn't hear her supposedly last words so she was thankful for that. A lot might change if he did hear her.

"(Y/n), you do know he's not a part of this." Then mysteriously, Pete's happy face was replaced by a serious expression along with his tone of voice.

Since (Y/n) knew who they're talking about, she nodded.

"I know." She muttered, ready to hear Pete's lecture.

"And are you sure your ready if he finds out, right?" Pete asked, eyeing her.

"Yeah." Lie. To be honest, she's not that sure. She doesn't even know how to handle that scenario if it happens. "Infact, he's too stubborn to be pushed away." True.

"Guess he picked the wrong person to trust with." Pete shook his head, shutting his book closed. He stood up from his sit and walk towards tbe door. He stopped his tracks that was infront of the door and looked back from his shoulder.

"Well, if that happen, I'll be the one who'll end this." Pete warned. "Right now, the Black Thief is gone by the way."

(Y/n) turn to face at Pete with a glare. "No, your not." She denied.

But Pete didn't listen her rejection and close the door behind him, walking away from the door. (Y/n) let out a groan and closed her eyes. This is not what she wanted.


The sight of rose blooming over and over again in a fast way made it look so satisfying for Wirt. The Garden was like a wonderland to him. How colorful the flowers are, how the scent smell good and everything. No wonder (Y/n) called Pete 'The Gardener' it kind of suits him. Wirt moved on from the roses and look down on the crystal clear pond, seeing his own reflection.

"Gorgeous, isn't it?" Suddenly Wirt saw Pete's reflection from the pond which made him jump in surprise.

"Woah! Oh . . . P-Pete, you scared me, haha." Wirt chuckled, feelimg a bit stupid of himself.

"Sorry, just wanna check up on ya. (Y/n)'s already awake but I guess she needed some time to rest." Pete informed and Wirt nodded as a reply.

"Ok, thank you Pete. By the way, while waiting for uhmm you know, (Y/n), could you tell me uhhh a wa-way to defeat this so-called The Black Hooded Thief that everyone's b-been talking about?" Wirt asked, tugging at his collar.

" . . . ohhh, you mean that Bad Little Red Riding Hood girl?" Pete innocently asked as Wirt nodded in response.

"Oh her! Well, listen kid, I dont know if your gonna be happy or upset with it but she's gone already." He casually answered.

"What!? How!? And the b-bell? Do you know where is it?" Wirt asked.

"Well, I just bumped into her and have a little fight but since I'm too strong and smart for that little girl, I defeated her oh and the bell, well, lets just say the bell got broken and it made the soul or the spirit go free. Like a bird being free from cage, ya do know how that feels right?" Pete finished explaining, taking a look at Wirt.

"So . . . you defeated the legendary thief and free the soul? That . . . is ac-actually kind of cool." Wirt grinned but a deep thouvht made him think that after all (Y/n) and Wirt came through, they were here for nothing?

Thats a little bit dissapointing . . . .

But whats done is done. He could pick up Greg from Beatrice and go home before his parents start getting more worried than ever. But how about (Y/n)? He was curious of what her living is in here and he even didn't get to know her that much.

"I guess I better check on (Y/n). Maybe later I'll be going then . . ." Wirt muttered as he climb upstairs.

  ▪ Dream ▪

"Hey Wirt!" Alice greeted Wirt with enthusiasm as she watched Wirt walked over and sat across the two little girls.

Since Wirt knew this was just a dream, he decided to just go with the flow. "Hey." He smiled and turn to face Red.

"Been a long time, eh? Well I'm wondering how are you?" Red giggled and sipped on her tea.

  Wirt let out a long tired groan and lean down on the chair he was sitting at and looked up from the sky that has branches of trees blocking it. They were in a forest with the table full of tea set.

"Actually, not quite good. Something seems wrong." Wirt admitted.

"You mean (Y/n)?" Red guessed.

Fortunately, her guess was correct. Wirt looked at the table infront of him to see picture frames appearing infront of him. There are pictures of him and (Y/n) together, from when they both first meet until when he almost lose her from those kids.

"But how about Sara?" Alice argued, glaring at Red.

"Uhh, guys?" Wirt nervously chuckled.

But the two girls ignored Wirt. "Alice, lets admit that Sara isn't good for Wirt." Red sighed.

"What? But Wirt known Sara than (Y/n) infact his tape for Sara would go to waste." Alice argued back.

Wirt just watched them, to be honest, both of their arguments started to have a point but it made him confused. Do he still like Sara or not anymore? Sure, he do know Sara is the coolest person he know but it feels like it's not the same than before.

"Wirt is for Sara!" Alice declared.

"No, Wirt is for (Y/n)!" Red glared at her.






  "(Y/n)!" Suddenly Wirt stumble down and fall down on the floor, causing himself to groan in pain

"Stupid dream." Wirt muttered.

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25 - 15 - 21

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