CħAp†㉫r 15

492 16 9

CħAp†㉫r 15 : Jµ$† ƒ✿r


"Hey . . ."

"You ok?"

"Yeah, everything's great!"

"I just saw you cry just a while ago. Is there something your not telling me?"

". . . would you still believe me, Will?"

"Of course!"

"But . . . why?"

"Because, (Y/n) . . . I trust you . . ."


  Tick . . . Tock . . . Tick . . . Tock . . .

     The sound of the ticking made (Y/n) half-awake, she feel like she doesn't wanna wake up, considering how relaxing and great her sleep was. She turned to another side and never let the ticking sound get her. But there was another thing that bothered her. She could feel a pang of pain across her whole body. Especially her arms and legs. Thats when she remembered last night.

Horrible things happened last night. She still remember how that kid stabbed her arm when she was trying to find out what was happening. Remembering last night, she finally let out a sigh when she remembered that her fellow friend, the Gardener came in time to rescue them. Guess she doesn't have anything to worry about.

"Atleast I didn't get to say it . . ." (Y/n) found herself speaking out her thoughts.

"I guess you already made a friend, (Y/n)." Then a voice echoed the room, giving (Y/n) a groan in annoyance.

"Well hello again, the Gardener," She opened her eyes and move her head to the side to spot him standing infront of her. "Or should I say Pete." She added.

"Haha, still mad? Sorry (Y/n), I'm gonna make it up to ya." Pete the Gardener laughed and patted her head.

"Whatever." She huffed.

She shuffle around and throw off the blanket that was covering her, only to reveal (Y/n) in a sleeveless shirt and some shorts. There are lots of bandages wrapped around the wounds that was on her legs and arms, even her fingers have some small bandages.

"Shit." (Y/n)cursed under her breath, receiving another breath-taking laugh from Pete.

"Come on, it ain't that bad! Just some herbal oil treatment and your good to go!" Pete reassured her.

She just nodded at his shory instructions and suddenly remembered 'him.' "And Wirt?" She asked.

"Meh, just admiring my master pieces in the garden." Pete shrug it off.

She rolled her eyes at him and let her body fall down on the bed, giving off a little thud. Pete grab a random chair and sat beside (Y/n)'s bed. He took out some glasses and started reading an old book. (Y/n) just looked around the room and sot Pete's old Grandfather's clock.

Reset Or Continue (Wirt x Reader) OTGW Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ