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In a small peaceful town called Resembool, there once lived a famous alchemist named Van Hohenheim, his wife, Trisha Elric and their new baby

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In a small peaceful town called Resembool, there once lived a famous alchemist named Van Hohenheim, his wife, Trisha Elric and their new baby.
Oh, how Hohenheim loved his soft tiny baby. "I'll name you Edward Elric," he crooned. Then Hohenheim give Edward the Diamond Amulet on his 1st birthday and puts it on him around his neck.
The next day when Edward was about 2-year-old, Hohenheim left Trisha alone with their second-born child, Alphonse, and moved from Resembool to Japan, taking Edward with him.
Hohenheim and Edward catch a plane to travel to Japan. When the two got there, they saw how Japan was the largest country with places and things.
Each night, Hohenheim would carry Edward strapped onto his chest as he ran and jump out to the buildings to search for the place called Care-a-Lot which had Japanese food in it.

One night, as Hohenheim followed the heavy scent of food, a demon owl named Wakaba spied him.
On silents wings the powerful demon bird swooped down upon the alchemists.
Dodging and shrieking, Hohenheim tried to escape, but Wakaba struck again and again, knocking Edward into the air. His new found alchemy is as useless.
Down, down he went faster and faster, into the city below.

The dark leafy tangle of branches caught Edward as he fell. One twig was small enough for Edward's tiny legs.
Looking at the city, he clutched the thin branch trembling with cold and fear.
"Father," Edward squeaked. "Where are you?"
By daybreak, the baby boy could hold on no longer. Down, down again he dropped.

Flump! Edward landed headfirst in a soft downy house, startling the three baby girls who lived there.
Edward quickly clambered from the bed and run to the balcony where he sat there. He listened to the babble of the three girls.
"What was that?" cried Akane.
"I don't know, but come to take a look of this beautiful hair, it's golden," chirped Nabiki.
"Shhh! Here comes Papa," hissed Kasumi.

Many, many times that day Soun Tendo walk out, always returning with food for his daughters ever since his wife died.
Edward was terribly hungry – but not for the scrumptious things Soun brought.
Finally, though, the baby boy could bear it no longer. He walked into the kitchen, closed his eyes, and opened his mouth.
Plop! In dropped a big juicy salmon!

Edward learned to be like a Japanese. He stayed awake all day and slept at night. He ate sushi even though they tasted good. His English languages were quickly disappearing. Except for one thing: Edward still liked to take off his clothes and run around naked and he don't care.
Once, when Soun was way, the curious baby girls decided to try it, too. When Soun came home he saw four little children were running around with no clothes on in public.
"Eeeek!" he cried. "Get back to your room and get dress this instant! You're going to catch cold!"

The girls straight into their room to put on some clothes, but Soun stopped Edward. "You are teaching my daughters to do bad things. I will not let you back into this room unless you promise to obey all the rules of this house."
Edward promised. He ate sushi without making faces. He slept in the bed at night. And he didn't act silly as he was forced to wear clothes. Edward behaved as a good Japanese should.

All the babies grew quickly. Soon the kitchen became crowded.
Soun told them it was time to go to school.
One by one, Kasumi, Nabiki, Akane, and Edward walked out of the house.

They were wearing kindergarten uniforms!
I'm just like them, thought Edward. I can go to school too.

Kasumi, Nabiki and Akane jumped gracefully on the sidewalk. Edward tried to do the same.

How embarrassing!

"I will ran and jump to the school all day," Edward told himself. "That no one will see how clumsy I am."

The next day on the day of the school's open house, Kasumi, Nabiki, Akane, and Edward went running far from home. They ran for hours, exercising their legs.
"The sun is setting," warned Nabiki.
"We had better go home or we will get lost in the dark." said Akane.
But Edward had run and jump far ahead, and was nowhere to be seen. The three anxious girls went home without him.

All alone, Edward run and jump to high and low until his legs ached and he stopped at the playground of the school. "I promised not to act silly in front of everyone," Edward sighed. So he hung by his legs onto the jungle gym, and soon fell asleep.
He didn't hear the soft sound of the other children coming near.

"Hey!" a loud voice said. "Why are you hanging upside down?" Edward's eyes opened wide.
He saw a most peculiar face who had the Diamond Amulet around her neck. "I'm not upside down, you are!" said Edward.
"Ah, but you're a half-Xerxesian and half-Amestrian. People of the around the world hang by their hands. You are hanging by your legs, so that makes you upside down!" the girl said. "My name is Nezuko, the daughter of Tanjuro and Kie Kamado and this is Tanjiro, my big brother. We're Japanese and the two members of the Care Characters. I am hanging by my hands. That makes me right side up!"
Edward was confused. "Mr. Tendo told me I was act silly. He said I was wrong..."
"Wrong for a Japanese, maybe, but not for a mix-blooded."

More Care Characters with their mothers and fathers around to see the strange young boy who behaved like a Japanese. Edward told them his story.
"You ate s-sushi?" stuttered Tanjiro, one of the children.
"You slept at night?" gasped Éclair, another girl.
"How very strange," the adults murmured.
"Wait! Wait! Let me look at this child." A man pushed through the crowd. "A demon owl attacked you?" he asked. Seeing and touching Edward's Diamond Amulet, he whispered, "You are Edward Elric. You are my baby."

"You escaped the demon owl?" cried Edward. "You survived?"
"Yes," said Hohenheim as he wrapped his arms around Edward.
"Come with me and I'll show you where to find the most delicious Japanese food in Care-a-Lot. You'll have to eat kind of food as long as you like beside sushi."

"But it's nighttime," Edward squeaked. "We can't ran and jump in the dark or we will ran over by a car."
"We're the Care Characters," said Hohenheim. "We can see in darkness with our Diamond Amulet. Come with us."
Edward was afraid, but he come out of the school and ran and jump across the street.
Edward could see. He felt as though rays of light shone from his Diamond Amulet. He was able to see everything in his path.

Soon, the Care Characters found Care-a-Lot with Japanese food are ramen noodles and Edward ate as much of the food as he could hold.
"I'll will ever to eat a kind of another sushi as long as I live," cheered Edward as he stuffed himself full. "I must tell Kasumi, Nabiki and Akane!"

The next day Edward went to visit the girls. "Come with me and meet my friends and family," said Edward.
"Okay, let's go." agreed Kasumi.
"They can do anything and they run and jump at night and they eat the best Japanese food in the world," Edward explained to the girls on the way.
As the girls walk among the Care Characters, Akane said "I feel inside here."
So the girls start to play with them.
"Wait until dark," Edward said excitedly, "we will walk at night."

When night came Edward run away. Kasumi, Nabiki and Akane leapt from Care-a-Lot to follow him.
"I can't see a thing!" yelled Kasumi.
"Neither can I," howled Nabiki.
"Aaeee!" shrieked Akane.
"They're going to be hit by a car," gasped Edward. "I must rescue them!"
Edward using his alchemy to swoop about, grabbed his friends in the air as just before a car is about to hit them. He lifted them to the building, and the girls grasped the roof. Edward stand there behind them.

"We're safe," said Edward. Then he sighed. "I wish you could see in the dark, too."
"We wish you could can use alchemy," Nabiki replied.
Kasumi and Akane nodded.
They perched in silence for a long time.
"How can we be so different and feel so much alike?" mused Nabiki.
"And how can we feel so different and be so much alike?" wondered Kasumi.
"I think this is quite a mystery," Akane chirped.
"I agree," said Edward. "But we're friends. And that's a fact."

—The End—

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