① And The Adventure Begins

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The day that you start thinking that love is overrated is the day that you're wrong. The only thing wrong with love and faith and belief is not having it.
~ Haley James Scott (One Tree Hill)

Chapter 1: And The Adventure Begins

12 years ago - Ashley's POV

"Mommy, who are these new people?" I asked my mommy as I looked up at her.

"These are our new neighbours, honey," she smiled. "They have a son your age, go be friends with him."

"But mommy, he's a boy. And boy's have cooties. I don't want them." I said as I made a disgusted face.

"That's not true, baby. Now go." She replied as she gave me a small push.

I turned back and asked her, "Are you sure, mommy?"

"Yes, sweety, now go." She insisted. I walked over to their garden and saw a cute boy sitting there playing with his ball.

"Hiiii," I grinned as I waved my hand and walked over to him.

"Hey." He replied shyly.

Not a very open person, I see.

"I'm Ashley." I extended my hand for him to shake. "And you are?"

"Nathan." He looked at me.

OhMyGod! His eyes!

He had big pretty hazel eyes which were a mixture of 3 colours- Green, Brown and Blue. They had a green outline to them with a green-blue middle and some brown along the edges of the pupil.

"Your eyes are soo pretty." I complimented him.

"Thanks." He threw the ball in the air and waited for it to come down.

"Can I call you Nate?" I asked him, silently hoping he would say yes.

"Yeah. Sure, Ash." He smiled at me and then looked up to catch the ball.

This is the day that marks the beginning of a very long friendship. A long happy, sad, awesome, adventurous, emotional and jealous friendship.

This is the day that marks the beginning of Nathan and I's friendship.

10 years later - Ashley's POV (Ashley is 15 and Nathan is 16)

"You guys are finally together!" I squealed as I jumped up and down in excitement. Chloe finally decided that she'd tell Nathan about her feelings for him. And she being the lucky bitch that she is, Nathan told her that he liked her too. But she didn't join my jumping or squealing. "Okay, what's the matter?"

"It's..." She started but then stopped. "Nothing."

"C'mon, C. You know you can tell me anything." I told her.

"You know me too well," She shook her head while giving me a sad smile, "It's just that.. Nathan.. he's a player and I'm scared... that he'll cheat on me."

"Don't worry, he won't and if he does, I'll give his face a new structure."

She let out a giggle at that. "Thanks,"

I hugged her tightly and said, "You're welcome."


2 weeks later

"No, Dad, I'm fine."


"That's great, Dad!"


"No! You have to go!"

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