Chapter Twenty (Uneditted)

Start from the beginning

I vigorously shook my head. She brought a finger to her lips, shushing whatever we'd say. Someone was coming.

"Oh, heads up by the way. Mikko was pissed off when he stomped through here this morning." Nikki whispered, probably in the hopes that whoever was coming wouldn't hear her.

I groaned. "That's not fair."

She shrugged. "Just thought you should know." She laughed. "He was actually huffing and puffing."

I laughed a little. "You should've recorded it."

She nodded. "Yeah, but he would've killed my phone if I did."

Then an inhuman growl literally shook the house. My thoughts immediately went to my children. Nikki and I just looked at each other with wide eyes. We had never heard anything like the growl we heard. Someone was very pissed off. Then the house sounded like it exploded from the foyer. Nikki and I both poked our heads out to see a huge hole above where the door was hanging by a hinge.

"Did someone go through that?" I asked Nikki.

"I have no idea."

Then a huge body leapt down the stairs and ran out of the house.

"Who was that?" It was too fast for me to see any real detail.

"That was Mikko." I could tell by Nikki's voice that whatever was happening wasn't something good.

"Where are the babies?"

"In the nursery," she said. "You go check on them. I'm going to see what's going on."

I nodded. One step out of the kitchen and I was scooped up into someone's arms. The suddenness made me yelp. I grabbed onto the shoulders of whoever was holding me as the person leapt upstairs. I felt like I was going to puke, so I started struggling.

The person let me go and I ran to the bathroom. When I was finished I brushed my teeth and looked at whoever grabbed me. It was Finn.

"Was that necessary?" I asked, toothbrush in mouth.

He nodded. "Mikko's in a fury right now. You needed to be out of the way."

I headed towards the nursery. When I looked back at Finn, he was gone. The triplets were sleeping when I poked my head in. I would have walked in, but the sound of a wolf's whine stopped me from walking in. Werewolves never made any loud make any noise when they are fighting. Staying quiet was a way to not attract attention. If there was someone whining, that meant trouble.

I shut the door to the nursery, then threw my toothbrush back in the bathroom without caring where it landed and walked downstairs and out the broken front door. Finn and Jerry had their eyes locked on Mikko, who was fighting with JJ. Playing with JJ was a better description.

Nikki was sitting on the ground with a wolf that was on his side. It looked like it was Mike. Maybe he was thrown into something. He must have gotten stuck in the middle of the fighting.

Each punch sounded like it was breaking bone.

I walked towards Finn. He didn't even glance my way.

"What's going on?"

Finn sighed. "Your JJ said something he shouldn't have said to Mikko."

"Why don't you stop them?"

"It's not a fight between two packs and Mikko's not trying to kill him." Finn never took his eyes from the two fighting werewolves.

"Someone's going to get hurt."

"Most definitely," Finn agreed. If I didn't know any better, I'd think Finn was amused with what was happening. "Mikko's frustration reached its breaking point. JJ shouldn't have rubbed your night last night in Mikko's face."

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