Chapter 54

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"I'm so glad we found out who it was that was telling them everything" Trish says, surprisingly with food in her mouth. Alice and I share a look at the manners of the Queen and she actually sticks her tongue out when she catches us doing it.

"We just need to ask him what he knows about them" Clyde says, frowning at Alice when she giggles loudly.

"Rick, Ryan and I are going in half an hour to interrogate him" Austin announces, putting a forkful of food into his mouth.

"Can I come too?" I ask, drinking from my glass of water. Rick looks at me funny.

"I'm sure you'd find your way there even if he said no." He points out and I nod. "So it's not really much a question; she's coming"

"I won't say anything but I can get him to react" I tell them, meeting Austin's thoughtful eyes.

"Surely that means you'll have to say something." He points out and I flip him off. "I don't really have a choice, do I?" I shake my head at him and he sighs. "Looks like the four of us are going" I feel myself grinning at how easy it is now to change his mind. He knows me better now so he knows not to try and argue with me.

"What are you planning to do to get him to talk?" I pretend not to be paying attention to Clive's question or their answer but I listen in to what their saying.

"Just an old tactic of ours" Ryan says and I catch the three of them sharing a look. "Triple Strike" the thing with fighters is that we have code names for pretty much every tactic we have. I have 'Cat and Mouse' and 'Chase and Tackle'. The boys clearly have this as theirs. It's now dinner and we've left Hudson in the dungeons since twelve. Eight hours in the dungeons should have softened him up a little by now.

"What if it doesn't work?" Alice asks, biting her lip. The three of them look to her in mock horror.

"I'm hurt at your lack of confidence in us" Rick puts a dramatic hand to his chest. I chuckle at him but open the link between me and Alice.

If their tactic doesn't work, I've got my own little trick up my sleeve. I tell her and she puts on a good poker face as she tunes out of the conversation happening at the table.

Spill. She says and I hide my smile as I continue to eat like nothing's happening.

Do you have a perfume bottle that's nearly empty? I ask her. She cracks a small smirk.


Austin leads us to the dungeons which are on the far side of the pack house from the Manor. The entrance is hidden between two boulders and a fence. It seems a little too nice for a dungeon; the one at Silverstone was through the basement of the pack house which isn't the most ideal place to hold rogues and dangers to the pack but it is the only place suitable.

"Welcome to your dungeons, Luna" Rick nudges me playfully with his elbow as Austin and Ryan walk ahead slightly. The inside of the dungeons aren't as nice as the outside. The concrete walls make the whole thing seem cold, at the occasional steel door with a single window there is someone sitting inside. At least our dungeons were nicer than some.

"Has he spoken much?" Austin is asking his Beta. Ryan shakes his head, leading all of us to the door on the very end.

"Not a damn thing. He just stares at the floor" Ryan answers, stopping by the door. "Cory and Jordan tried to play the friend approach but after two hours with him they gave up"

"We might have to up our game a little bit" Rick suggests, as the door opens and he steps aside for me to go in. I step in before any of the three boys but it's a mistake. An arm swings out from behind the door, a metal plate coming with it. I duck, making Hudson stumble into view. I shoot up as the boys come in but Hudson is already attacking me again. The back of his hand hits my cheek, slicing my lip open. He kicks out at me but I step backwards before sliding towards his side, chopping his side with the side of my palm. My elbow lifts to his chin, making his head snap backwards. He falls away from me as I step backwards.

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