“Really? I have to be restrained now?” I asked, wanting to throw my hands up in exasperation. However, they were momentarily detained, so I just stomped my foot.

“Yes.” Blake stated simply and walked to stand in front of the door, we were now facing each other.

“Okay, well I have like seven minutes to get to the office, so...” I said trying to wiggle myself out of Ren’s grip, but I ended with no success and out of breath.

“You were going to go to him?” Ren asked in disgust.

“Thank you.” Blake told him, throwing his arms up in the arm like the way I had wanted to before. “I’m glad I’m not the only one who didn’t catch a ride on the ‘I’m-going-to-do-what-I-think-is-right-even-though-I-know-I-could-die’ train.”

“Nope. Still here.” Ren said even though it was established. 

“Honestly, I am going to find out who this man is. And I will find him. And I will save Josh.” I said, looking straight at Blake.

His eyes were beyond angry. “Oh, yeah? You’ll have to get through us first.” I felt myself tense up, preparing for a fight. However, he interrupted us again.

“Annabeth, sweet, sweet Annabeth. You’re running out of time. I see you have another friend helping you now. Didn’t you hear what I said? You just like putting more people in danger, don’t you? Haven’t you caused enough trouble already? I mean, you killed your family, and now your son is with me. I mean, really? You’re pathetic.” 

Ren and Blake had focused their attention at the ceiling where the speaker was, so I took this chance. I released myself from Ren and ran as fast as I could out of the door. I heard them running after me, but I was faster.

“Come on Annabeth. I’ve been waiting to see that face of yours for a very long time now, face-to-face.”

I was in the office, standing right behind him as he continued his speech over the intercom.

“Annabeth, these boys are still with you. This is very, very bad. I had hoped I wouldn’t have to kill them. Then again, it will only be one or two on my record, and, what, four or five on yours? Depending on when little Josh here joins them. Because of you.” 

“Really? Because I’m pretty sure that your car hit us.” The man talking spun around on his heels.

“Momma!” Josh said, seeing me from the man’s arms. He had a ski mask over his face and gloves on. I couldn’t see one single detail about the man. 

Stay calm. I signed to Josh. It’s going to be okay. I sent him a sweet smile reserved for him only.

“How sweet.” The man said sarcastically.

“What do you want?” 

“You know.”

“Actually your rhyming skills were deplorable. I couldn’t tell anything.”

“I wouldn’t test me, Miss Jacobs. You don’t want me as an enemy.”

“Well, am I your’s?” I asked with fake excitement. “Because that’s all I wanted my whole freakin’ life.”

“Don’t you understand,” He said, walking towards me. “You stupid, stupid girl?”

“Okay, so I’m ‘darling, sweet, sweet Annabeth, dear’ and now a ‘stupid, stupid girl?’” I asked, using some pet names he called that creeped me out. My hands were clenched and my nails dug into my palms, almost breaking my pale skin. “I really don’t like being called names. Especially from creeps like you.”

He looked angry. Josh was still in his arms, fussing about.

“I don’t think you know what you’re getting yourself into.” He spoke slowly.

“I’m not getting into it. I already am in it. It started when you killed my family. And it will end. When I kill you.”

He didn’t look surprised or scared. He just simply laughed.

“Really?” He asked me, now walking in circles around me. “You think you can kill me? That may be the funniest thing I’ve heard all day.”

“You put me,” I said completely serious. My fists tightened. “Through years of torture. Years of pain. Years of pity. Years of things nobody my age should have to go through. And now, you stand here, in the same room as me, and don’t think I’m able to kill you? I don’t know if you can even fathom what I went through every day without them. You killed everything I loved. Everything I’ve ever known was taken because of you. I am in a state of mind I hate to be in because of you. I can’t sleep at night knowing that my baby boy is out in the world somewhere because of you. I am full of hate because of you. And now, you have the audacity to question if I COULD KILL YOU FOR TAKING MY WHOLE LIFE AWAY FROM ME?” I ended, screaming. I was awarded with a flicker of fear in his eyes, but he quickly cleared it. I knew Blake and Ren were outside the office. I could just feel it. 

“I haven’t taken your whole life away from you. Not yet. I have bits and pieces, but not all of it, but I will soon.”

“Why? What did I ever do to you?” 

“Darling,” He paused. “They never told you, did they?”

“They?” I questioned.

“Your parents. And your brothers.”

“Tell me what?” He walked closer to me.

“Wow. And here, I thought that you were a threat. A whole family name gone to waste. I can’t believe that they would just not tell you. It was their life, and your brothers’, for that matter. And to leave you out of it? I just can’t believe it.” 

He was surprised; I was confused. “What the hell are you talking about?”

He laughed. “Too bad. I thought I would actually have a reason to kill you, but you don’t know anything. Oh well, might as well make sure you never find out, right?” 

The man pulled his jacket aside. He had a gun. He pulled it out. 

“I was going to get information out of you. However, you don’t have any, so I guess I’ll just have to kill you now. Say goodbye.” He said, menacing. He raised the gun in one hand, level with my head.

Ren and Blake came out from their hiding spot behind the office door and stood on either side of me. 

“Please,” I said under my breath so only they could hear. “Leave. Please.”

Ren responded just as quietly. “And let you get killed? I don’t think so.”

“I’m staying. Right here.” 

“Awe.” The man said sarcastically. “How cute. Need someone to do your dirty work for you, Annabeth?” 

Ren and Blake exchanged some kind of special glance. They seemed unfazed by the gun pointing directly at us. Josh was silently crying. 

“So,” The man said, addressing Blake and Ren. “Any last words to tell your little friends here?” He pointed the gun towards each of them and lowered it slightly, still on guard. 

“Don’t hurt them.” I said, never one to beg to a guy like this.

“Oh, I won’t be killing them. If they agree to go quietly and never speak of this again. I see no need for unneeded violence.” He said. I almost snorted. “You’re the only one.”

He raised it and pointed it directly at my head again. 

“One...” I heard Ren mutter under his breath.

“Two...” Blake whispered. I realized what they were doing.

I shook my head. “Three...” They said together. I held their arms. Instead of them actually being able to grab the gun like they planned, they hit it downwards. I heard a shot go off.

I saw them elbowing him in the head. I saw Blake grab Josh. I saw Ren fighting the man. I saw the room becoming fuzzy. I hit the floor. I saw nothing. I faded into darkness.


Then there was nothing. 

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