Chapter 1

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Today started out just like any other day, I woke up and walked down the unfamiliar hallway from my room of a house that is not my real home. I walk down the hallway and was preparing to enter the kitchen, when I heard the voices of my foster parents coming from the room. I did not want to talk to them, I never have wanted to talk to them. I am so tired of hearing the same speech you get, every time your foster parents get rid of you. It is always the same thing,”I guess we just weren’t ready for a foster child” or, my favorite, “I promise you that it wasn’t you, honey, it’s us, we just can’t afford another person in our family right now.” Both excuses are just a bunch of lies. Never in my ten years of being a foster child, did my foster parents ever tell the true reason they were giving me up. They never came right out and told me, they had to beat around the bush and make up ridiculous lies about how much they love me and how they do not want to have me go. But, I knew the true reason, I am too hard to handle and I have a bad attitude. It does not help that I can not tell anyone about my feelings, but I probably would not talk to anyone if I did, anyway. But it is okay, it is always like this. I am never in a place long enough to have any friends, my life is nothing but trips from foster home to foster home. They all keep me for a while, but then they get tired of my attitude. Apparently, I am rude and I am too negative and sarcastic. I can not help it. I just stand my ground and I do not take any crap. I never have. I guess it is just too much for people to handle. It is okay though, because me, Annabeth Marie Jacobs, does not need anyone. I have not since my parents and brothers died, and I will not start now. I am considered an outsider, weird, but, again, it is okay. I have music, drawing, and dancing to keep me out of this place we call Earth. 

Now, as I stand by my bed, packing for my next foster home, I can tell it will not last long. The longest I have been in a foster home has been four months. This one lasted about three months. As far as I know, my next home is in New York City, Manhattan I think. Right now, I am in California, and it is going to be a long flight. The family status of this family is that they are a middle aged couple named Robert and Charlotte. They have a son who is eight years old, and he is also a foster child. I believe his name is Daniel, but I am not entirely sure.

Welcome to my life, the life of Annabeth, a sixteen year-old punk/goth girl,  just trying to stay in one place long enough to make one friend and find out her true identity, and get through my rough past.

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