~You Should (Never) Be Alone~

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Art by: A person Art_Master_305 😂😂😂


Aaron closed his eyes as he was falling down, just as he was about to hit the ground...

He started floating and was falling down slowly.

He fell gently on the ground and he shot open his eyes, seeing Kim pulling out the knife from his chest and Melissa hovering over the ground. But she looked different.

"Brother! Are you okay?" Melissa asked as she knelt down next to Aaron

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"Brother! Are you okay?" Melissa asked as she knelt down next to Aaron.

"What happened?" Aaron asked and Melissa sighed.

"Melissa used her magic to save you from death, she made you hover before you hit the ground.

"Thanks Melissa." Aaron said and Melissa stood up on the ground.

"Aaron it's time. You HAVE to do it Aaron." Melissa said and Kim was confused.

"What? What's going on?" Kim asked and Melissa turned to her.

"Have you ever heard about The Ultima Werewolf?" Melissa asked and Kim nodded.

"Lucinda told me about the legend." Kim said and Melissa sighed.

"Well... the legend IS true, Aaron's a descendant of an Ultima Werewolf. Of his father." Melissa said and Kim looked at Aaron.

"Aaron do it. Do it for Aphmau, if you did it for her. She will still love you." Kim said and Aaron started to remember all his memories with her.


"How can I believe that you're Fc?" Aphmau said and ran into his practice room and sat on the wooden stool.

Aaron sat on the ground, "Ask me anything. Anything Fc would know." Aaron said as tears started to stream down his face.

"When's my birthday?"

"October 16."

"What's my favorite color?"


"What is my role in our game?"

"You're a healer, you're my healer. You're the only one who goes into dungeons with me."

"You are Fc."

Aaron stood up and hugged Aphmau.

"Please give me a second chance. I've been a jerk to everyone please I need a second chance." Aaron said and Aphmau hugged him back.

"Thanks for being by my side Fc."


"Aph... Can I confess something?" Aaron whispered to Aphmau as he wrapped his left arm around her waist and his right arm on the back of her head and pulled her head closer to his until their foreheads rested on each other, getting lost into each other's eyes.

"H-huh?" Aphmau said and Aaron had a smirk on him.

"Aphmau... Ever since I met you online and you made me be more open to life, and when I met you here you made me laugh, smile and be more open to everyone. All that I want to say is that.... I love you." Aaron confessed and Aphmau blushed harder. If that's possible.

"A-Aaron... I-" Aaron interrupted her by placing his lips on hers.

Aphmau was shocked, she didn't know that Aaron would kiss her with that passion. She eventually kissed back.

Aaron pulled away and looked into her eyes, "Will you be my girlfriend?" Aaron said and Aphmau blushed again. "Yes"


"I WON'T GIVE UP!" Aaron growled and he got up.

"Kim close your eyes." Melissa said and Kim closed her eyes.

Aaron closed his eyes for a while and then opened them, making them turn to crimson.

"I am going to get you back Aphmau." Aaron said sternly and tore off his jacket and wrapped it around his eyes, living him only in his navy blue shirt.

"Kim you can open them." Melissa said and Kim opened her eyes.

"Why did I have to close them?" Kim asked and Melissa turned to her.

"Because you would turn to a werewolf and you might have died." Melissa said and Aaron took a deep breath.

"Aaron you did the right thing. Now let's go back to patch you up."

Ciao Adios!

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